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[News] Desktop GNU/Linux Initiative Gets Millions in New Investment

  • Subject: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux Initiative Gets Millions in New Investment
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 09:58:43 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

'Microsoft-free' virtual desktop startup gets $4m funding

,----[ Quote ]
| A start-up teaming up with IBM to build 
| "Microsoft-free" virtual desktops and deliver 
| them through a cloud computing model has 
| secured $4 million in first-round venture 
| financing.
| Virtual Bridges, founded in 2006, is part of 
| IBM's attempt to undercut Microsoft's Windows 
| 7 with a set of cloud - and Linux-based 
| desktop packages. 



Why is IBM Promoting Ubuntu at the Young Scientist Exhibition

,----[ Quote ]
| A few people have been asking why IBM is
| promoting Ubuntu at the Young Scientist
| Exhibition when it is not an IBM product.
| In fact there are a number of good reasons:
|    1. IBM supports the concept of freedom
|    and we would hate to think that students
|    (or anyone) would feel locked in to
|    using a particular brand of proprietary
|    software just because it came with the
|    PC when they bought it. Click here to
|    view Bob Stutor explain in detail why
|    IBM cares about software freedom.
|    2. Ubuntu provides an excellent quality
|    stable desktop operating system for
|    free, so we donât want to see people
|    wasting valuable money on purchasing
|    licenses for software when they donât
|    have to
|    3. We think that Ubuntu is cool and we
|    think that the students attending the
|    exhibition will agree when they see for
|    themselves.
|    4. IBM employees use Ubuntu internally
|    for their work and IBM also partners
|    with a Canonical and Verde to provide
|    the Ubuntu based IBM Client for Smart
|    Work.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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