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[News] Debian GNU/Linux for the Wife - Story

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The Debian Adventure, Part 16: Applications

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been over a week now, and my wife is 
| settling in to her new Debian system with no 
| further problems. There were a few extras I 
| needed to install when I first brought Debian 
| up, and a few more I've needed during the last 
| week.


Debian 4.0 security support ends soon

,----[ Quote ]
| Debian developer Alexander Reichle-Schmehl has 
| announced that security support for Debian 4.0 
| (code named "Etch") will end on the 15th of 
| February, 2010. Debian 4.0 was originally 
| released on the 8th of April, 2007 and 
| included version 2.6.18 of the Linux kernel. 
| After the 15th of February, no new updates, 
| including security updates and critical fixes, 
| will be available for Debian version 4.0.



Benchmarking Debian's GNU/kFreeBSD

,----[ Quote ]
| There has been an effort underway within the
| Debian development community to pull the
| FreeBSD kernel within this distribution to
| provide an alternative to using the Linux
| kernel. In essence with this Debian
| GNU/kFreeBSD project you have the standard
| Debian package set providing a GNU user-land
| with a GNU C library, but the FreeBSD kernel
| is running underneath. The Debian project has
| also been working on Debian GNU/Hurd to
| effectively do the same thing but with the GNU
| Mach microkernel. But unlike Debian GNU/Hurd,
| with the release of Debian 6.0 "Squeeze",
| Debian GNU/kFreeBSD will reach a release
| status. With the Debian Squeeze release being
| just two months away we have decided to
| provide the first public set of benchmarks
| that compare the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
| performance to that of Debian GNU/Linux. We
| have tested both the 32-bit and 64-bit builds
| of Debian with the Linux and FreeBSD kernels.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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