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[News] [Rival] Bill Gates: Hypocrite, Tax Evader, Bad Programmer, Dumpster Diver, and Thief

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Bill Gates: Hypocrite, Tax Evader, Bad Programmer, Dumpster Diver, and Thief
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 06:06:36 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Bill Gates Suggests Taxing Banks to Cut Federal Deficit

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill, let's be honest, it's hypocritical to 
| suggest taxing banks to reduce the federal 
| deficit while your company Microsoft 
| contributes to Washington State's $2.6 
| billion deficit with its alleged $728 million 
| evasion of the royalty tax.
| You say the federal deficit could be the 
| "next crisis". What about your home state's 
| impending insolvency? What about our current 
| local crisis?



Hasta la Vista, part 1: Microsofts final death march

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, Bill Gates is not a wizard. 
| Even worse, he is a bad programmer. When 
| Martin Eller, a Microsoft programmer, found 
| an error in the flood fill routine of the MS-
| Basic interpreter, he exclaimed "Which moron 
| wrote this brainless sh*t?" only to find out 
| it was Gates himself who wrote the "brainless 
| sh*t". I think it is safe to say that Bill 
| Gates is hardly the technical wizard he would 
| so much like to be.


programmers at work

,----[ Quote ]
|     Bricklin sent waves of laughter through 
|     the auditorium by reading a passage from 
|     Lammers' interview with Bill Gates in 
|     which the young Microsoft founder 
|     explained that his work on different 
|     versions of Microsoft's BASIC compiler 
|     was shaped by looking at how other 
|     programmers had gone about the same task. 
|     Gates went on to say that young 
|     programmers don't need computer science 
|     degrees: "The best way to prepare is to 
|     write programs, and to study great 
|     programs that other people have written. 
|     In my case, I went to the garbage cans at 
|     the Computer Science Center and I fished 
|     out listings of their operating systems."
|     Bricklin finished reading Gates' words 
|     and announced, with an impish smile, 
|     "This is where Gates and [Richard] 
|     Stallman agree!"



Steve Jobs and Sir Tim Berners-Lee baffle the Brits

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft boss Bill Gates was the most
| well-known but 5% of the group thought he
| was a comedian or a famous thief.


PPS and the philanthro-capitalists

,----[ Quote ]
| The free market approach to enrollment and
| funding is a demonstrable failure in
| Portland, when measured by access to
| educational opportunity. Unless the
| district is willing to significantly reduce
| opportunity for the white middle class,
| thereâs no way they can pay for equity of
| opportunity without balancing enrollment,
| that is, by curtailing school choice. This
| is a significant element of the high school
| plan. With it, the district appears to be
| forging a path independent of current
| trends pushed by Gates, at least for high
| schools.
| But the district appears unwilling to apply
| the same lesson to middle grades.
| Sara Allanâs contention that itâs not the
| structure of the school that matters, but
| what goes on in the classroom, also closely
| parrots the current line being sold by
| Phillips, now head of education for the
| Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
| Phillips was the keynote speaker at the
| Council of The Great City Schools
| conference held in Portland last month,
| attended by Allan and quite a few of her
| administrative colleagues. In her speech,
| Phillips promoted merit pay for teachers,
| the latest policy thrust of Gates.
| While superintendent in Portland, Philips
| was responsible for both the transition to
| K-8 schools  and the âsmall schoolsâ
| initiative, funded largely by the Gates
| foundation, which dismantled every
| comprehensive high school in Portland
| serving majority non-white students, and
| split them into rigid âacademies.â These
| academies forced students to choose a
| narrow field of study as freshmen, and
| didnât allow students to take electives
| offered in other academies in the same
| building.
| [...]
| Gatesâ quiet partner
| The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has
| grown to be the dominant voice in the
| national education dialogue, heavily
| influencing the federal education policy of
| both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. But
| even as PPS appears to be taking a non-
| Gates path on high schools, the district
| continues to be enamored with  Gatesâ
| biggest private-sector education policy
| ally: Eli Broadâs education foundation.
| [...]
| âStudent performance,â entirely measured by
| standardized test scores, correlates highly
| to poverty. Broadâs scheme would almost
| certainly assure that teachers in poor and
| minority communities would make less than
| their colleagues in wealthier schools, only
| worsening the achievement gap. This puts
| the lie to Broadâs (and Gatesâ) stated
| mission of closing that gap.
| [...]
| âStudent performance,â entirely measured by
| standardized test scores, correlates highly
| to poverty. Broadâs scheme would almost
| certainly assure that teachers in poor and
| minority communities would make less than
| their colleagues in wealthier schools, only
| worsening the achievement gap. This puts
| the lie to Broadâs (and Gatesâ) stated
| mission of closing that gap.



Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- Truth Revealed Part 2

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