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Re: Gates backs China in Google censorship spat

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____/ nessuno on Wednesday 27 Jan 2010 14:57 : \____

> <Quote>
> Lovable, huggable ex-monopolist Bill Gates has more often than not
> found himself batting for China in a recent publicity drive as head of
> the Gates Foundation.
> On his way to the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, the Microsoft-
> chief-turned philanthropist appears unmoved over China's position on
> internet censorship after Google's recent threats to exit the country.
> In an interview Monday with ABC television, Gates shrugged off China's
> repressive online policies as simply part of doing business in a
> foreign country. He pointed to censorship laws in Germany that forbid
> pro-Nazi statements which would be protected as free speech in the
> United States.
> </Quote>
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/27/gates_backs_china_google_censorship/

Gates with his "Jihad" against competitors... now against dissidents.

What are some squashed people under tanks between two businessmen?


- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

"Monopoly raises two classes of problems for a free society. First, 
the existence of monopoly means a limitation on voluntary exchange
 through a reduction in the alternatives available to individuals. 
Second, the existence of monopoly raises the issue of âsocial 
responsibilityâ, as it has come to be called, of the monopolist."
		--Milton Friedman
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