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[News] Liberation Galore (Free Software): More New Code from setiQuest, TelefÃnica

  • Subject: [News] Liberation Galore (Free Software): More New Code from setiQuest, TelefÃnica
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 03:39:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Claudia: TelefÃnica I+D will release as Open Source research results on IaaS Clouds

,----[ Quote ]
| As part of its exploitation strategy, 
| TelefÃnica I+D decided to release as Open 
| Source a number of components developed 
| during the research on Infrastructure as a 
| Service (IaaS) Clouds.  These components 
| will be integrated in the Claudia Platform 
| that will offer a Service Management 
| toolkit to deploy and control the 
| scalability of service among a public or 
| private IaaS Cloud. TelefÃnica I+D chooses 
| MORFEO Project to release the software 
| because it guarantees the access to the 
| results of research beyond the end of the 
| project.


setiQuest: Out of this World Free Software

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm constantly amazed and heartened by the 
| new domains in which free software is 
| turning up. Here's a nice one: setiQuest.
|     For centuries humans have looked at the 
|     stars and wondered âare we alone?â Now, 
|     setiQuest is an opportunity for you to 
|     help answer that question. In 1960, 
|     Frank Drake conducted the first 
|     scientific search for extraterrestrial 
|     intelligence (SETI). Since then, 
|     scientists from many countries have 
|     conducted more than 100 projects 
|     looking for communication signals from 
|     other civilizations. With the spread of 
|     the Internet in the 21st century, it is 
|     now possible for humans around the 
|     globe to participate in a new SETI 
|     program.
|     You can participate as a software 
|     developer, signal detection algorithm 
|     developer, or a citizen scientist.



GDA goes open source

,----[ Quote ]
| It is with great pleasure that we announce the
| making of our core Data Acquisition framework
| "Open Source". The GDA project is an open-
| source framework for creating customized data
| acquisition

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