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[News] KDE SC 4.4 Release Imminent, New Features and Site

  • Subject: [News] KDE SC 4.4 Release Imminent, New Features and Site
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 10:48:12 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Countdown to KDE 4.4 and the new KDE website

,----[ Quote ]
| I like dabbling in web development and 
| design and so I was quite happy to be able 
| to participate in the redesign of the new 
| KDE.org website due to release in 
| conjunction with KDE SC 4.4 on February 9th. 
| This was what I was working on during the 
| past week and I must say Iâve learned and 
| experienced quite a lot from trying to 
| contribute.


interesting bits in 4.4.0 for plasma-*

,----[ Quote ]
| With KDE Software Compilation v4.4.0 tagged 
| and going through final release engineering 
| processes, early reviews and discussions 
| about it are appearing around the Internet. 
| It's great to see the interest bubbling 
| around it all.


digiKam 1.1.0 released...

,----[ Quote ]
| digiKam team is proud to announce digiKam 
| 1.1.0 bug fix release!


Two Nifty Features in digiKam 1.1.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Hot on the heels of digiKam 1.0, Gilles 
| Caulier announced the 1.1.0 release of the 
| popular open source photo management 
| application. While the main focus in version 
| 1.1.0 was on squashing bugs, the new release 
| of digiKam does sport a couple of new nifty 
| features and improvements.


Kubuntu and KDE 4 User Auto Login


KPackageKit woes

,----[ Quote ]
| I remember recently trying the latest 
| version of Kubuntu simple because I was 
| getting sick of compiling with Gentoo. Well 
| Kubuntu was fine and dandy. But when it came 
| to install software I had to use the new 
| KPackageKit and that was fine, it didn't 
| bother me. What came to bother me was that 
| it's a bloody pain in the arse to mess with.


The KDE 4.3 System Settings - Part 2 - Personal + Network & Connectivity 

,----[ Quote ]
| Welcome to part 2 of our overview of the KDE 
| 4.3 System Settings panel, the replacement 
| for the old control panel of KDE 3.5.  Today 
| we're going to look at two more master 
| sections.  Namely, Personal and Network & 
| Connectivity.  So sit back and enjoy.


Getting Re-acquainted with KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking for other software sometimes makes 
| try out a whole lot of different things. In 
| this case I saw Bilbo, a blogging tool in 
| KDE and so I was intrigued. The thing is 
| that I wanted to go beyond trying out Bilbo. 
| I ended up downloading KDE. Thereâs a 
| Kubuntu desktop package in the repository so 
| I decided to get it. Thereâs nothing to lose 
| by trying out KDE anyway, [...] For two 
| daysâ worth of being in KDE, it is getting a 
| little better by the second day, with all 
| these things getting cleared up and working 
| for me. The widgets arenât so bad, really. I 
| like it that I donât have to install 
| Tweetdeck and I also love the picture 
| slideshow widget which gives me random 
| images from an image directory in my laptop. 



KDE SC 4.4 RC3 Released


Software Compilation 4.4 RC3 Release Announcement

,----[ Quote ]
| February 1st, 2010. Today, KDE has released
| the third release candidate of the next
| version of the KDE Software Compilation
| (KDE SC). KDE SC 4.4 Release Candidate 3
| provides a testing base for identifying
| bugs in the upcoming KDE Software
| Compilation 4.4, with its components the
| KDE Plasma Workspaces, the Applications
| powered by KDE, and the KDE Development
| Platform.
| The list of changes between 4.3 and 4.4 is
| especially long. Important changes can be
| observed all over the place:


KDE SC 4.4RC2 Fedora KDE preview

,----[ Quote ]
| Interested in trying out KDE SC 4.4 but donât
| want to do a full installation, risking
| system instability? Before my presentation at
| Wednesdayâs Phoenix Linux User Group meeting,
| it occured to me that I should bring a live
| image for folks to play with.


A Look at KDE 4.4

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest version of my favorite desktop,
| KDE SC 4.4, is due to be released in just
| a couple of weeks. Even though itâs still
| in beta, I just couldnât keep my hands off
| of it, being the desktop geek that I am.
| Letâs take a quick look at how KDE 4.4 is
| shaping up during the last leg of its
| development phase.


KDE 4.4 Kreeps Kloser to Komplete

,----[ Quote ]
| This release also includes a whole slew of
| new widgets for KDE. This includes a
| "Webslice" plasmoid to display a part of a
| Webpage, a spellcheck widget, an on-screen
| keyboard, and a blackboard widget that
| allows users to paint with the mouse or
| even multitouch devices "on platforms that
| support them." KDE inherited multitouch
| support from Qt4.6, and could make KDE a
| contender on mobile devices and tablets.


KDE Developers to Release RC3 for 4.4

,----[ Quote ]
| Toma Albers, one of the KDE Developers sent
| out a note today that there will be an RC3
| release for KDE 4.4, prior to the final
| release scheduled February 9th.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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