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[News] Linux Mint Reviews All Positive, Still

  • Subject: [News] Linux Mint Reviews All Positive, Still
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Feb 2010 02:27:29 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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LinuxCertified Laptop â a review, and a side plug for Linux, and Mint!

,----[ Quote ]
| Why did I order this laptop? It is one of many 
| companies, known and less-known, who offer 
| their hardware with Linux installed, instead 
| of a version of Microsoft's Windows. You can 
| read about the beginning of my research and 
| these companies in my previous blog, âBuying a 
| Linux Laptop ...â 


Linux Mint 8: Polished, Professional and Nearly Perfect 

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm feeling right at home with Mint 8: It's a 
| highly professional, carefully thought-out 
| distribution with the kind of polish that 
| really makes it shine, and I highly recommend 
| it to you, whether you're a Linux newcomer or 
| a seasoned veteran.
| It comes with a strong selection of default 
| software and because of its Ubuntu links, 
| there's little you could ever possibly need 
| that isn't just a few clicks away.



Fresh Version of Linux Mint Offers Tweaks and Updates

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint 8 (Helena) is based on Ubuntu 9.10
| and delivers all the basic capabilities you
| would expect in an Ubuntu distribution.


Linux Mint 8 Helena Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint is indeed a very nice
| distribution, a very stable one. It really
| just works out of the box and is perfect
| for people who donât want to mess with
| their computer to make it work or for
| people who donât like to customize it a
| lot. The menu and mint updater can be
| annoying, at least for me, but it does
| what it promises and looking sexy while at
| it. I perceive a very positive response
| from people about the distro and I feel it
| may actually become the most popular home Linux distro one day, which would only show
| that small communities with good ideas and
| dedication can yield a better product than
| sponsored or corporative distributions.


Linux Mint 8 is Perfect for me

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last 12 yrs that Iâve been using
| Linux never has a distribution impressed me
| this good. I keep Linux Mint 8 is Perfect for
| meexperimenting with distributions when they
| are released. From Mandrake to Mandriva,
| Redhat to Fedora, SuSE to openSUSE and even
| Debian to Ubuntuâ I thought I had seen it
| all. All the time I kept coming back to SuSE,
| but this time it seems different. I tried
| Linux Mint and I guess I will be sticking to
| it for long.


The wonder of Linux Mint - non birdy

,----[ Quote ]
| Finally got my new ebay-bought laptop up and
| running after a multitude of problems, and
| I'd like to say a few words to my fellow
| nerdy sorts, and any of those who dabble in
| other operating systems.


Linux Mint 8 (Helena) KDE Community Edition Release Candidate

,----[ Quote ]
| I have previously described Linux Mint as
| "Ubuntu plus all the stuff you would probably
| add to it yourself after installing". Of
| course, you need to be aware that a lot of the
| things which are added are proprietary or
| otherwise non-FOSS, so if you are a
| GNU/Linux/FOSS purist, you should be aware of
| that at the beginning. I am not of that
| persuasion, and Mint is one of my two favorite
| distributions (SimplyMEPIS is the other). Now,
| with the quality of Mint and the care that the
| Mint Community contributors have taken in
| adding KDE 4.3, this is sure to be an
| excellent distribution. If you are a KDE
| devotee, and you have been disappointed by
| Kubuntu (I know that a lot have), I would
| strongly encourage you to take a look at this
| distribution.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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