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[News] Installation Guide for the New Linux Mint 8 with KDE 4.3.4

  • Subject: [News] Installation Guide for the New Linux Mint 8 with KDE 4.3.4
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 20:42:37 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

LinuxMint8 Kde step by step installation for Newbies


Linux Mint 8 achieves final KDE version

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux Mint team announced the final 
| release of Linux Mint 8 "Helena" KDE 
| Community Edition. Based on Kubuntu 9.10, 
| Linux 2.6.31, KDE 4.3.4 and Xorg 7.4, Linux 
| Mint 8 KDE CE boasts improved OEM 
| installation, as well as "ignore updates" and 
| multiple software selection features.



Linux Mint 8 KDE Community Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| The final release of Linux Mint 8 (Helena)
| KDE Community Edition is available for
| download. I wrote about the Release Candidate
| of this a couple of weeks ago, so I won't add
| too much more now. I'm still more of a Gnome
| desktop user than KDE, but as KDE 4 gets
| better and better, and combined with the
| excellent integration with Linux Mint, this
| one is a real alternative for me.


Linux Mint 8 KDE released!

,----[ Quote ]
| The team is proud to announce the release
| of Linux Mint 8 âHelenaâ KDE Community
| Edition.


Linux Mint 8 KDE Community Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| The final release of Linux Mint 8 (Helena)
| KDE Community Edition is available for
| download. I wrote about the Release
| Candidate of this a couple of weeks ago, so
| I won't add too much more now. I'm still
| more of a Gnome desktop user than KDE, but
| as KDE 4 gets better and better, and
| combined with the excellent integration
| with Linux Mint, this one is a real
| alternative for me.
| [...]
| It may be that this is the same one used by
| Kubuntu, I haven't installed that in quite
| a long time so I don't know what it looks
| like any more. But this is nice, clean,
| easy to use and easy to understand.


Bet you guys thought I forgot about this blog, huh?

,----[ Quote ]
| I then decided Iâd test the âupgradeâ
| feature when Ubuntu 9.10 came out, and let
| it upgrade itself via APT. That was
| interesting, but a few things didnât work
| quite right. Iâve never been one to upgrade
| an OS because of this. Iâm a clean install
| kind of guy. So when things didnât work
| quite right, I wiped it and installed my
| next project. Linux Mint 8.
| Mmmm, Mint
| Now, back in September-ish, I rebuilt my
| main desktop machine at home. I had initial
| plans to install Slackware 13, but since
| Slackware now doesnât fit my needs, I
| decided to go with something else entirely,
| so I ended up installing Linux Mint 7 on
| it.
| My desktop is still running happily on Mint
| 7, and while that process came with its own
| issues (the default kernel didnât like my
| DVD-ROM drive, plus I discovered massive
| problems trying to set up Mint 7 on a
| machine that uses both IDE and SATA drives
| together), once I got everything set up,
| itâs been really great.


Linux Mint 8 (Helena) KDE Community Edition Release Candidate

,----[ Quote ]
| I have previously described Linux Mint as
| "Ubuntu plus all the stuff you would probably
| add to it yourself after installing". Of
| course, you need to be aware that a lot of the
| things which are added are proprietary or
| otherwise non-FOSS, so if you are a
| GNU/Linux/FOSS purist, you should be aware of
| that at the beginning. I am not of that
| persuasion, and Mint is one of my two favorite
| distributions (SimplyMEPIS is the other). Now,
| with the quality of Mint and the care that the
| Mint Community contributors have taken in
| adding KDE 4.3, this is sure to be an
| excellent distribution. If you are a KDE
| devotee, and you have been disappointed by
| Kubuntu (I know that a lot have), I would
| strongly encourage you to take a look at this
| distribution.


Linux Mint 8 RC1 KDE Edition Arrives

,----[ Quote ]
| Clement Lefebvre and the Linux Mint community
| are proud to present today (January 21st) the
| first release candidate of the upcoming Linux
| Mint 8 KDE Community Edition operating system.
| Powered by Linux kernel 2.6.31 and built on
| top of the KDE Software Compilation 4.3.4,
| Linux Mint 8 KDE RC1 comes with many
| improvements in various areas of interest. It
| is now based on the Kubuntu 9.10 (Karmic
| Koala) Linux distribution.


Linux Mint 8 KDE CE Release Candiate Leaked

,----[ Quote ]
| Just a quick note to inform you all that the
| day has finally come. Really! The Linux Mint 8
| KDE Release Candidate was recently leaked and
| can, as of this writing, be downloaded either
| directly or via a torrent. If you download the
| torrent, please seed to at least 1.5x (150%).
| We will, of course, have a full review upon
| the return from CampKDE.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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