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[News] Linux All Over the Place in MWC 2010 (Android)

  • Subject: [News] Linux All Over the Place in MWC 2010 (Android)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 01:40:25 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

MWC 2010: Android everywhere

,----[ Quote ]
| At this year's Mobile World Congress(MWC) in 
| Barcelona, while Microsoft announced its 
| Windows Phone 7 Series this week, a number 
| of other companies are announcing their new 
| Android-based devices. The open source 
| Android OS devices, which range from mobile 
| phones and notebooks, to tablets and 
| Internet Devices, include updates to popular 
| well known handsets and several new mobiles.


ST-Ericsson and ARM Enable Support for Android on Next-Generation Multicore Mobile Platforms

,----[ Quote ]
| This joint optimization from the ST-Ericsson 
| and ARM effort will be fed back into the 
| Android Open Source community for all to 
| use.


Huawei SmaKit S7

,----[ Quote ]
| If you thought the Dell Mini 5 (5-inch 
| screen) was big for a phone, you havenât 
| seen the Huawei SmaKit S7 (7-inch screen)! 
| In all due fairness, the device is 
| considered a MID with 3G voice capabilities, 
| and with Bluetooth youâll probably be using 
| a headset to talk more often than not. 
| Either way, it looks like another winning 
| announcement from Huawei.


Sony Ericsson shows love for Android

,----[ Quote ]
| Executives from Sony Ericsson, the 
| struggling European handset maker working 
| hard to make a turnaround in 2010, said most 
| of its new phones introduced this coming 
| year will sport the Google Android operating 
| system.



Sony Ericsson preps compact Android pair

,----[ Quote ]
| Not content with releasing one Xperia X10
| smartphone, Sony Ericsson is planning to
| offer two more.
| The two additions to the Android phone
| family are the X10 Mini and the X10 Mini
| Pro. Both were said by SE to be "smaller
| than a credit card" and to sport an
| "intuitive four-corner touchscreen user
| interface".


MIPS aims for Android telephony market


Moto shows off eighth Android 'andset

,----[ Quote ]
| Motorola today took the wraps of yet
| another Android smartphone, this one called
| Quench and based around a 3.1in
| touchscreen.
| If the Quench seems familiar, it's because
| its already been annouced, kind of.
| Recently, Motorola unveiled the Cliq XT in
| the US, and the Quench is the same handset,
| tweaked for the European market just as it
| renamed the US-oriented Droid as the
| Milestone over here.


Oops! Motorola Jumps the Gun on Droid Upgrade Announcement

,----[ Quote ]
| Android 2.1 entered the world with the
| release of Google's Nexus One last month.
| At the time of the launch, Motorola said
| the software update would be reaching the
| Droid and other Android phones at some
| point in the near future.


Android version of Nuvifone boasts multi-touch

,----[ Quote ]
| Garmin-Asus announced a multi-touch enabled
| Android version of its navigation-focused
| Nuvifone smartphones for the European
| market. The Nuvifone A50 appears to have
| similar specs to the earlier Linux-based
| Nuvifone G60, but adds a comprehensive
| suite of Google apps, as well as new
| styling and a touchpad.


MWC2010: CSR launches Android software platform

,----[ Quote ]
| CSR is supporting the Android open-source
| mobile operating system with its embedded
| wireless system software.


ST-Ericsson and ARM give Android a leg up

,----[ Quote ]
| ST-ERICSSON AND ARM have been telling the
| Mobile World Congress that their cunning
| plan to optimise Android to take advantage
| of Symmetric Multi Processing (SMP) on the
| ST-Ericsson U8500 platform is nearly ready.


The tale of an Android phone in the earthquake in Haiti

,----[ Quote ]
| We talked extensively about why Android is
| better than some other smartphone OSes, its
| openness, its multitasking characteristics,
| but have you ever thought that its
| customization features could actually save
| lives? Well read on.


Linus Torvalds: Google's Nexus One First Mobile Phone I Don't Hate

,----[ Quote ]
| Linus Torvalds, the inventor of the Linux
| kernel, has an absolute disdain for mobile
| phones. All of the ones he has purchased in
| the past, the man writes on his personal
| blog, ended up being "mostly used for
| playing Galaga and Solitaire on long
| flights" even though they were naturally
| all phones run on open source operating
| systems.

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