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[News] Moves to Free Software Seen in the Spanish Government

  • Subject: [News] Moves to Free Software Seen in the Spanish Government
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 02:43:37 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

ES: Galician government launches a promotion campaign on open source 

,----[ Quote ]
| The government of Galicia, one of Spain's 
| autonomous regions, wants to boost the use of 
| free and open source software by its public 
| administrations and citizens. The regional 
| ministry for Modernisation and Innovation aims 
| to bring together its previous initiatives on 
| open source, it explains in a statement 
| published on 27 January.



ES: Andalusia to distribute open source laptops to schools

,----[ Quote ]
| Distributing the laptops will cost more than 80 million euro,
| El Pais reports. "Each laptop will cost around 290 euro. The
| government has decided to configure the laptops with free
| software, using the operating system Guadalinex and other free
| applications."
| [...]
| Spain's Prime Minister Josà Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's
| announcement in May to distribute about 450,000 laptops to
| schools in the country was criticised by his own party (PSOE).
| Zapatero wants these laptops to be fitted with Microsoft's
| proprietary software. However, Leire PajÃn, the party's
| secretary said she wants these laptops to run only open source
| software.


Three Strikes Rejected In Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems like the recording industry's grand plan to get ISPs to be their
| copyright police isn't getting very far. Consumer and legal backlash around
| the world seems to have stopped it cold. The latest is in Spain, where the
| entire concept of a three strikes regime has been taken off the table.


ES: Cenatic joins campaign against unlicensed software

,----[ Quote ]
| Cenatic, Spain's national resource centre for open source software, this
| Wednesday will join other organisations in a campaign meant to reduce the use
| of unlicensed copies of software. "Free and open source software provide a
| legitimate alternative that respect the rights of its creators", the
| organisation said in a statement.


ES: Administrations fund open source GIS education tool

,----[ Quote ]
| The ministry of Education in Valencia, one of Spain's autonomous regions and
| the regional government of La Palma are funding development of Edusig, an
| open source tool to help teach geography to school children. The application
| is being hosted on the Osor.eu software development web site since late last
| month.


OSOR launch, Open Source World Conference in Malaga, Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| The OSOR website will be launched in Malaga, at the Open Source World
| Conference. Xavier Heymans has been invited to present the PloneGov
| innitiative. PloneGov is a collaborative software ecosystem, where government
| organizations, non-profits and the private sector work together to share the
| cost of enhanced capabilities.


Viva EspaÃa Libre!

,----[ Quote ]
| Most people know that the Estremadura region in Spain is a pacesetter in
| terms of deploying free software, but here's a handy map that shows how it
| and everyone else is doing in that country.


ES: Open Source looks to eGovernment

,----[ Quote ]
| The new action plan gives top priority to ensuring that Open Source users
| have equal access to eGovernment. Part of that drive will be a series of
| studies and reports on electronic filing, process improvement, transparency
| and electronic billing. These will be linked to Spainâs Law on Citizensâ
| Electronic Access to Public Services.
| [...]
| Currently, CENATIC is working on Open Source applications for XBRL, a
| language for document exchange between administrations. Its interim
| conclusion is that there are viable Open Source solutions for financial
| document exchange between public administrations, small and medium-sized
| enterprises and the tax and regulatory authorities.


Open source tour of Europe: Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| The most famous Spanish Linux open source adoption project has to be
| Extremadura, which set out in 2002 to rejuvenate its services and boost IT
| literacy by making free software available to everyone and building a
| regional intranet.


Biggest ever Spanish open source agreement signed

,----[ Quote ]
| Alfresco Software and Intecna Soluciones have signed a strategic open source
| software agreement with the government of Andalucia.
| The project will be the biggest of its kind in Spanish history.


Richard Stallman in Madrid: Free as in Freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking a correct Spanish (although with a bit strange accent), and with a
| good dosis of humour, Richard spoke about âThe users and Freedomâ at Rafael
| del Pino foundation.



Akademy-es 2007 in Zaragoza Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| This past weekend, November 16th through the 18th, Zaragoza Spain was the
| home of Akademy-es 2007. The conference began early Saturday morning and
| finished Monday with a Hackathon.


Spain: Another Defeat for OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| [PJ: The following report says that the results are in from Spain, and the
| technical committee voted 4 to 3 against OOXML. That means that in September,
| Spain will vote Abstain, because the rules require a 2/3 majority. More info
| at NoOOXML.org and OpenXML.info. ]


Microsoft is Outmuscling OOXML Opposition in Spain

,----[ Quote ]
| The Andalusian Government has reported recently the manipulation of Microsoft
| in the National Technical Committee 71 of AENOR. On July 10th, just the day
| before the one and only meeting of AENOR to study DIS 29500 and vote on it,
| Microsoft announced officially (via the secretary of the Committee) that that
| Andalusian Government and several other Spanish public entities were asking
| for the approval of ISO DIS 29500 (what finally resulted all a fake!).


Now It's Spain and OOXML - More Standards Highjinks?

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems there may have been more games played by Microsoft in the OOXML
| saga, or at the very least some confusion spread, and this time our story
| comes from Spain, where the government of Andalusia has now sent an official
| letter of protest [PDF, Spanish] to the president of the technical committee
| deciding whether or not to accept OOXML as an ISO standard, denouncing what
| it called an attempt by Microsoft to manipulate the process by selectively
| quoting from a letter from the Andalusian government back in January as if it
| were an endorsement of OOXML as an ISO standard today. That January letter,
| Andalusia says, was not intended to indicate that it felt there should be an
| acceptance of OOXML by the technical committee.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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