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[News] Subversion Now an Apache Project, Oracle Improves Java Programming Framework

  • Subject: [News] Subversion Now an Apache Project, Oracle Improves Java Programming Framework
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 08:39:13 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Subversion accepted as a Apache Top-Level Project

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a post on the Subversion Community 
| website, Subversion, the popular open source  
| version control and configuration management tool 
| has been accepted as an Apache Top-Level Project 
| (TLP). The news marks the end of Subversion's 
| time in the Apache Software Foundation's (ASF) 
| Incubator which is the first step to becoming an 
| ASF Top-Level Project. It also means that it will 
| now be governed under the Foundation's 
| meritocratic process and principles.


Oracle is working on a combined Java Virtual Machine

,----[ Quote ]
| The engineers responsible for the development of 
| the JRockit and HotSpot Java Virtual Machines 
| (JVMs) are "spending lots of quality time 
| together" to work out how to combine the Oracle 
| JVM and what was Sun's virtual machine.



Java vs. C++: The Performance Showdown

,----[ Quote ]
| Since the early days of the Java programming
| language, some have argued that Java's being an
| interpreted language has made it inferior to the
| likes of C and C++ in terms of performance. Of
| course, C++ devotees would never, ever even
| consider Java a âproperâ language, while the
| Java crowd always throws âwrite once, run
| everywhereâ in the faces of the C++ programmers.


Java vs. .Net: Java programmers gain the edge

,----[ Quote ]
| The flexibility that Java brings through its
| open source framework, has made it more
| popular. .NET in its complete form can only be
| installed on computers running a Microsoft
| Windows operating system, whereas Java can be
| installed on computers running any operating
| systems such as Linux, Solaris, Mac OS or
| Windows.


JetBrains releases two variants of Java development
environment IntelliJ IDEA 9

,----[ Quote ]
| Version 9 of Java development environment
| IntelliJ IDEA has now been released in two
| variants â  a commercial version, dubbed
| Ultimate Edition, and an open source Community
| Edition. The Apache 2.0 licence, which is also
| used by other JetBrains open source projects,
| has been selected for the Community Edition.


Sun Releases Java EE 6, Glassfish v3 Portfolio, and NetBeans 6.8

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun Microsystems has announced the official
| release of the Java EE 6 specification, along
| with Glassfish V3 (the Java EE 6 reference
| implementation), and NetBeans 6.8, which
| enables you to easily build Java EE 6
| applications.


Sun Releases 3 Java Upgrades as EU Begins Closed-Door Merger Hearing

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun appears to have timed the release of
| three updated versions of its Java
| enterprise software products to coincide
| with a closed-door hearing in Europe about
| Oracle's planned takeover. Could be the
| company wants to send regulators a message
| that it's still viable and still
| innovating. It's also quite likely that
| Sun is seeking to reassure customers, who
| are no doubt becoming restless.


News Brief: Google Revs Web Development With GWT 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Web-based applications are at the core of
| Google's strategy. As a result, it's not
| surprising that Google has been embarking
| on a strategy to help both itself and the
| wider developer community build better Web
| applications.
| Key to Google's Web application
| development effort is its Google Web Tools
| (GWT) applications, which became open
| source in 2006. This week, Google debuted
| GWT 2.0, which provides new developer
| workflow improvements as well performance
| enhancements.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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