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[News] Kofi Annan and Le Figaro Chooses Free Software for Their Web Sites

  • Subject: [News] Kofi Annan and Le Figaro Chooses Free Software for Their Web Sites
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 18:41:26 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Kofi Annan Foundation using Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| The Kofi Annan Foundation is using Drupal. 
| Kofi Annan was the Secretary-General of the 
| United Nations. In 2001 Kofi Annan and the 
| United Nations were jointly awarded the 
| Nobel Prize for Peace. Since leaving the 
| United Nations, the Kofi Annan Foundation 
| supports Kofi Annan in his current work to 
| press for better policies to meet the needs 
| of the poorest and most vulnerable in the 
| world.


Le Figaro using Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| Le Figaro, the oldest and second-largest 
| national newspaper in France, started using 
| Drupal for its social features on 
| http://www.lefigaro.fr. It is still using 
| its old web content management system to 
| serve its main content, but all of the 
| social features such as comments on 
| articles are now provided by Drupal.


5 modules that should come by default in Drupal.

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal is a great CMS no doubt. I have gone 
| round and tried lots of them, but I still 
| come back to Drupal. However, the more I 
| use it, the more I feel that the following 
| five modules should actually come by 
| default with every Drupal installation.



QuickStudy: Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| Drupal is free content-management software
| designed to let an individual or user
| group publish, manage and organize Web
| sites that feature a wide variety of
| content. Drupal is currently being used to
| power community Web portals, discussion
| sites, corporate Web sites, intranet
| applications, personal Web sites and
| blogs, fan sites, e-commerce applications,
| resource directories and social networking
| sites. Recently, the Obama administration
| adopted Drupal as the foundation for the
| WhiteHouse.gov Web site.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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