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[News] GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks Works Well and HP Tries Android

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks Works Well and HP Tries Android
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 15:57:17 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

UNE on my Desktop, I likes 

,----[ Quote ]
| I've been running UNE on my desktop with a 
| largish monitor since yesterday morning. 
| Because the Desktop Team now also manages 
| the UNE distro, I figured I should get in 
| the habit of using UNE daily, but I don't 
| use my netbook as much as my desktop during 
| the course of a normal week. Above is the 
| launcher ready for me to get started.


HP Experiments with Google Android Netbook

,----[ Quote ]
| Hewlett-Packard is launching a Google 
| Android-based netbook. Shipping under the 
| Compaq brand, HP calls it the AirLife 100. 
| It will debut in the United Arab Emirates 
| (no word on a U.S. launch). The big 
| question: Is Android for netbooks a good 
| computing solution?



The New UI for ARM Based Ubuntu Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| ARM based platforms traditionally have a problem
| with graphics drivers and free software.
| Encumbered by licensing issues, many platforms
| only ship with 2D based drivers whilst the 3D
| driver-enabled offerings only frequent the
| poshest of circles such as Nokia's N900. There
| are exceptions, but its a painful reality at the
| moment.
| Vendors are trying to work around it, especially
| as there is the expectation of a ramp-up in the
| availability of ARM based hardware. Super long-
| life netbooks, low powered touch based computers,
| and even a flurry of smaller embedded devices are
| forecast to hit the market this year, many of
| which will be based on the Linux operating
| system. Ubuntu would be a great match for this.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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