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[News] Linux Pressures for Free Software Adoption, Microsoft Lobby Accused of Creating Trouble for Google

  • Subject: [News] Linux Pressures for Free Software Adoption, Microsoft Lobby Accused of Creating Trouble for Google
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 18:14:28 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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OSFA Submits Guidlines to Obama Administration

,----[ Quote ]
| Check out OpenGov Tracker. The ideas are 
| there, with good discussion, but Iâm 
| doubtful about the numbers. The âtop ideasâ 
| all have under 100 votes. Itâs a new site, 
| sure, but I wonder if people can get 
| enthusiastic about trying to influence the 
| government.


When will Microsoft sue Google over Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| This week, Microsoft made its boldest move 
| to date, signing yet another patent cross-
| licensing agreement with Amazon, calling out 
| that this agreement allows Amazon to use 
| Linux. Yes, Amazon sells its Linux-based 
| Kindle device, but the agreement also covers 
| Amazon's use of Linux (presumably for the 
| Amazon.com service, EC2, etc.), 
| representing, as ZDNet's Adrian Kingsley-
| Hughes writes, "the clearest indication so 
| far from Microsoft that if you use Linux-
| based servers...you ow[e] them money."
| Oh, really?
| If Microsoft has such an ironclad case in 
| this matter, there's just one thing to do:
| Sue Google.
| Google, after all, is the killer bee in 
| Microsoft's bonnet, one that Microsoft has 
| been at pains to repel, and one that depends 
| heavily on Linux. Google Search, Apps, 
| Chrome OS, Android, etc. make heavy use of 
| Linux, and threaten to topple the Redmond 
| giant.


Is Microsoft behind Google legal challenge?

,----[ Quote ]
| Internet search giant Google says complaints 
| to the European Commission that it is using 
| its dominanent position to reduce rivals' 
| visibility are funded indirectly by 
| Microsoft.
| Google claims the complaints against them in 
| part derive from a lobbying body whose 
| largest funder is Microsoft.
| [...]
| Foundem is a member of Initiative for a 
| Competitive Online Marketplace (ICOMP), a 
| Brussels-based lobbying group primarily 
| funded by Microsoft, who have been 
| historically critical of Google's power.


EU Opens Antitrust Investigation Into Google. Microsoftâs Fingerprints Are Everywhere.

,----[ Quote ]
| Ciao (which is now called Ciao Bing) is the 
| Microsoft-owned German shopping site making 
| one of the complaints. Microsoft purchased 
| them in 2008 for nearly $500 million. The 
| others are Foundem, a UK-based shopping 
| site, and EJustice.fr, a French site that 
| does legal search inquiries. All three are 
| claiming that Googleâs search dominance is 
| hurting their businesses. And Foundem is 
| claiming that Google has placed a âsearch 
| penaltyâ on its site, which has crippled it.
| [...]
| Update: Hereâs a post on Googleâs Public 
| Policy Blog. Not surprisingly, Google makes 
| quick note of both Ciao and Foundemâs ties 
| to Microsoft.


Committed to competing fairly

,----[ Quote ]
| Regarding Ciao!, they were a long-time 
| AdSense partner of Googleâs, with whom we 
| always had a good relationship. However, 
| after Microsoft acquired Ciao! in 2008 
| (renaming it Ciao! from Bing) we started 
| receiving complaints about our standard 
| terms and conditions. They initially took 
| their case to the German competition 
| authority, but it now has been transferred 
| to Brussels.


Google, under antitrust scrutiny, points its finger at Microsoft



What An Anti-Google Whisper Campaign Looks Like

,----[ Quote ]
| For example, over the weekend we got an email from Will Rodger of LMG Inc, a
| Washington-based public affairs firm that is known to work with Microsoft and
| specializes in "next-generation services such as viral and online campaigns."
| The email pointed out a total of three Googlers have been poached by the
| Obama administration. It read:
| "This looks like a full embrace of Google by the White House.  We do not
| remember a time when one company had so many executives leave to serve a
| single administration. Others may have a better handle on the history."

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