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[News] ACTA Conspirators Who Keep It Secret Are Named

  • Subject: [News] ACTA Conspirators Who Keep It Secret Are Named
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 16:45:39 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

New ACTA Leak: U.S., Korea, Singapore, Denmark Do Not Support Transparency

,----[ Quote ]
| Throughout the debate over ACTA 
| transparency, many countries have taken 
| public positions that they support release 
| of the actual text, but that other 
| countries do not.  Since full transparency 
| requires consensus of all the ACTA 
| partners, the text simply can't be released 
| until everyone is in agreement.  Of course, 
| those same countries hasten to add that 
| they can't name who opposes ACTA 
| transparency, since that too is secret.


World, get ready for the DMCA: ACTA's Internet chapter leaks

,----[ Quote ]
| The oddest thing about the Anti-
| Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) 
| secrecy is that, whenever we see leaked 
| drafts of the text, there's nothing 
| particularly "secret" about them. That was 
| also the case with this weekend's leak of 
| the "Internet enforcement" section of the 
| ACTA draft; as we've noted in the past, 
| ACTA appears to be a measure to extend the 
| US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 
| to the rest of the world, and that's 
| exactly what the Internet section tries to 
| do.


EU Data Privacy Official Slams Copyright Talks


Written Declaration presented today in Brussels

,----[ Quote ]
| "ACTA is legislation laundering on an 
| international scale, trying to covertly 
| push through what could never be passed in 
| most national parliaments" declared the 
| socialist Member of the European Parliament 
| Lambrinidis in his presentation of a 
| written declaration that aims at 
| establishing the official oppositon to ACTA 
| of EuropeÂs elected representatives. He 
| also criticized ACTAÂs intention of 
| "systematic monitoring of citizens in the 
| hands of internet service providers, giving 
| them more power than police have in anti-
| terror operations". 


New ACTA leaks reveal internal conflicts among negotiaters

,----[ Quote ]
| Countries negotiating the secretive Anti-
| Counterfeiting Trade Agreement are clashing 
| over a proposed three-strikes regulation, 
| the legal basis for such a treaty and the 
| lack of transparency in the process, 
| according to newly leaked documents.
| The European Parliament is demanding 
| answers from the European Commission about 
| ACTA, while public outcry and criticism are 
| driving many European countries to demand 
| clarity about the secret talks, which have 
| been ongoing for more than two years. But 
| these E.U.-member nations are being 
| frustrated by the European Commission.



The dutch ACTA leak â rough translation


Make 3 strikes bill law, says Simon Cowell

,----[ Quote ]
| The Three strikes law is a corporate music
| industry scheme and an element of the ACTA
| project.
| Itâs being introduced as locally proposed
| legislation by governments in countries such
| as the UK and France. Under it, governments
| would act as entertainment industry
| copyright agents, and ISPs would become
| industry enforcers against their own
| customers.


ACTA: why will the EU Commission not answer?

,----[ Quote ]
| Questions on ACTA in the European Parliament
| today revealed a distinctly shady
| Commission, which is giving out conflicting
| information publicly and privately.  The key
| issue for MEPs is why the Commission is
| being  so economical with the truth?


Help the European Parliament oppose ACTA

,----[ Quote ]
| Four Members of the European Parliament -
| Zuzana Roithova (CZ, EPP), Stavros
| Lambrinidis (GR, S&D), Alexander Alvaro (DE,
| ALDE) and FranÃoise Castex (FR, S&D)- have
| submitted a written declaration opposing


ACTA's Internet Chapter Leaks; And, Now We See How Sneaky The Negotiators Have Been

,----[ Quote ]
| Reports spread this weekend that the ACTA's
| all-important internet enforcement chapter had
| leaked. You can download the PDF from that
| link, or check it out below:
| From here, you can see why this is still quite
| a dangerous document -- and why there's been
| so much misinformation from its supporters,
| insisting that it "can't change US law," or
| even (as stated by the USTR) that it won't
| include three strikes. It doesn't. Sort of.
| But it does make it very very difficult for
| any online service provider to get safe
| harbors without doing something along those
| lines. Let's explore deeper...


ACTA "internet enforcement" chapter leaks


World going barmy over copyright enforcement

,----[ Quote ]
| IT IS NOT CLEAR how accurate it is yet but
| someone has posted a copy of what appears
| to be the crucial enforcement section of
| the secret copyright treaty that the
| publishing cartels want the world to
| accept.


ACTA leak shows US Trade Rep lied about "3-strikes"


ACTA Internet Chapter Leaks: Renegotiates WIPO, Sets 3 Strikes as Model

,----[ Quote ]
| Several months after a European Union memo
| discussing the ACTA Internet chapter
| leaked, the actual chapter itself has now
| leaked.  First covered by PC World, the
| new leak fully confirms the earlier
| reports and mirrors the language found in
| the EU memo.  This is the chapter that
| required non-disclosure agreements last
| fall.


Adding up the explanations for ACTA's "shameful secret"

,----[ Quote ]
| Why is an intellectual property treaty being
| negotiated in the name of the US public kept
| quiet as a matter of national security and
| treated as "some shameful secret"?
| Solid information on the Anti-Counterfeiting
| Trade Agreement (ACTA) has been hard to come
| by, but Google on Monday hosted a panel
| discussion on ACTA at its DC offices. Much of
| the discussion focused on transparency, and
| why there's so little of it on ACTA, even from
| an administration that has made transparency
| one of its key goals.


U.S. Ambassador David Jacobson â Intellectual Property Rights

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, Ambassador, a lot of Canadians donât
| think U.S. Intellectual Property Laws are in
| the best interest of Americans or Canadians
| either. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
| of 1998 comes to mind. Do you have any proof
| (specifically peer reviewed studies) proving
| that the DMCA has any benefit to the citizens
| of the United States? And if you donât have
| any proof, when do you intend to provide it?


Oh, a new ACTA document

,----[ Quote ]
| How do you request it? Very simple, fill out
| the form and enter the document number
| 17779/09 as the document you request. Then
| the Council secretariat has 15 days to
| respond, either it would grant you access
| and submit the reasons for refusal.
| Here is stops for most persons. You have
| against 15 days for a confirmatory
| application. When the confirmatory
| application is denied you can complain to
| the EU-Ombudsman or sue the Commission.


Google DC Talk on ACTA

,----[ Quote ]
| Why does DG Trade want criminal sanctions
| from third nations when these instruments
| are not adopted in the âacquis
| communautaireâ yet? Unfortunately we cannot
| find out in their negotiation mandate from
| the Council because it is not disclosed.

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