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Public consultation on EIS
,----[ Quote ]
| Everyone interested in interoperability
| within the context of public service
| delivery is cordially invited to send
| suggestions aiming at contributing to the
| implementation of the European
| Interoperability Strategy.
Dedication to Open Source and Open Standards Threatened in Leaked EU EIF Document
,----[ Quote ]
| The Foundation for a Free Information
| Infrastructure offers ten recommendations
| for improving the EIF version 2 and
| preserving "a strong definition of 'open
| standards and specifications' in a way that
| patent cartels do not qualify for the gold
| standard."
| These ten recommendations are:
| 1. Align the EIF 2.0 with the new General
| Principles from the Interoperability
| Solutions for European Public
| Administrations (ISA) document, which
| calls for technological neutrality and
| adaptability, openness, reusability,
| privacy and personal protection of data
| and security.
| 2. Improve interoperability terminology
| to once again align with the ISA's
| definition rather than the new watered
| down one.
| 3. Market Order and public constituency
| by creating better functioning markets
| with increased interoperability.
| 4. Deletion of Chapter 3 and its empty
| talk.
| 5. Administrative principles such as not
| tasking public administration with
| lobbying for political support of
| interoperability efforts.
| 6. Avoid capture and dilution of interest
| with weak phrases and definitions.
| 7. Adjust to public administrative needs.
| 8. Open standards, not open concepts, by
| reinstating the proper definition of open
| standards.
| 9. Open assessment and continuum to allow
| government bodies to assess where an
| offering falls on the "openness
| continuum".
| 10. Problem-oriented approach by focusing
| on identifying and solving
| interoperability problems.
| Other Organizations Speak Out
| Other organizations have also expressed
| their strong concerns, such as the OW2
| Consortium and the Open Source Software
| Thematic Group.
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