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[News] Fedora GNU/Linux Looks for New Slogan

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Calling all Geeks â Fedora 13 needs your help!

,----[ Quote ]
| All slogan suggestions need to submitted by 
| 2nd of March, 2010.
| Hereâs how your slogan needs to be:
|     * Must be between 1-3 words
|     * Slogan needs to be an active sentence, 
|     like a command e.g. F8: Go higher F11: 
|     Reign
|     * Slogan must be positive and reflect the 
|     idea that Fedora lets users achieve 
|     something great
|     * Should reflect one or more of the 
|     themes from the artwork created by the 
|     Artwork team for this release (see the 
|     wiki page)


Why Fedora needs an Updates Policy

,----[ Quote ]
| A huge thread-o-doom on Fedora and updates 
| and what should be done and why the policy 
| is horrible has sprouted on the fedora-
| devel list (yes, it's now called 
| devel@xxxxxxxxxx, but I don't care.) But 
| wait... there is no draft policy yet so 
| how can it be horrible? Oh, yes some of 
| the brainstorming around it


Fedora 13 Alpha release delayed

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora Project developers said they will 
| push back the first alpha release for 
| Fedora 13 by one week.



Why we Use Fedora and not Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| In the long run, computer recycling centers
| like ours may not have a big impact on the
| spread of Fedora but we feel like we will
| have been a great help to many family's in
| need and at least we will have done a small
| part in helping out on the environmental
| impact of the toxins from these e-waste from
| these computers by keeping them out of
| landfill.


Ubuntu Out Fedora In

,----[ Quote ]
| Today we put out another computer system for
| the Share Homestead in Vancouver Wa. The
| thing that I noticed today was that they have
| their systems running on Ubuntu. It is a
| shame that they seemed to have failed to
| follow up and make sure their systems were
| still up and running..I think that received
| their systems from Free Geek when they were
| located in Vancouver also.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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