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[News] Review of the Next Ubuntu GNU/Linux, New Interviews

  • Subject: [News] Review of the Next Ubuntu GNU/Linux, New Interviews
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 08:43:21 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Hands-on: Ubuntu goes social, gains Me Menu in 10.04 alpha 3

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu 
| Linux distribution, is planning to overhaul 
| the desktop panel and integrate social 
| networking features in Ubuntu 10.04, 
| codenamed Lucid Lynx. One of the key 
| components of this effort is the Me Menu, 
| which shipped in the Lucid alpha 3 last 
| week.
| The Me Menu, which Canonical unveiled in 
| December, provides a unified interface for 
| managing your presence on instant messaging 
| and social networking services. A text box 
| that is embedded in the menu allows users to 
| publish status messages to all of their 
| accounts. The menu also provides easy access 
| to the standard account and identity 
| configuration tools.
| [...]
| Ubuntu 10.04 is a Long-Term Support (LTS) 
| release, which means that Canonical intends 
| to provide updates on the desktop for three 
| years instead of the usual 18 months. During 
| the development cycle for an LTS release, 
| the Ubuntu developers focus on stabilization 
| rather than introducing a lot of new 
| features. Feature freeze is now in full 
| effect, which means that the developers are 
| going to be working primarily on bugfixes 
| between now and the final release in April. 
| The first beta release will come next month.


Matt Asayâs Top Priorities and Goals

,----[ Quote ]
| At the beginning of February Matt Asay moved 
| from Alfresco to Canonical, and Mattâs blog 
| activity already reflects his career change 
| and I asked Matt about his top priorities in 
| the new role.
|     It has now been three weeks since I 
|     started with Canonical, and each day it 
|     becomes clearer to me just how massive 
|     is the opportunity before Canonical and 
|     the Ubuntu community, as well as the 
|     great care that must be taken to ensure 
|     that we realize this potential.
|     Itâs also becoming clear what I, in 
|     particular, can do to help, coming after 
|     the successful tenure of Jane Silber, 
|     who was Canonicalâs COO and is now our 
|     CEO:
|        1. Enterprise.  When most people 
|        think of Canonical and Ubuntu, they 
|        think âdesktop.â  This isnât 
|        surprising, given Ubuntuâs popularity 
|        on traditional desktops and industry-
|        changing netbooks alike.  I have been 
|        amazed by how deep and wide Ubuntuâs 
|        penetration is in this market.  Itâs 
|        much bigger than Iâve ever seen 
|        reported.


Interview With Melissa

,----[ Quote ]
| PS: How did you get involved with Ubuntu and 
| free software in general?
| MD: Whilst doing a web development diploma, 
| a teacher, a BSD fanatic and probably the 
| most influential teacher I ever had, was in 
| the habit of interpreting syllabi modules 
| such as "install an operating system" fairly 
| openly. He taught his students how to 
| install Linux and BSD as well as Windows 
| (amusing aside: he also taught my mother to 
| do the same!) and so began my obsession with 
| Linux. I played around with live 
| distributions for a while then installed 
| Ubuntu on an old computer. I soon found I 
| did not need XP any more.


Launchpad Moving to Closed Source Auth

,----[ Quote ]
| Soon there will be a new release of 
| launchpad and along with some new feature 
| and bug fixes will be the move to only using 
| an OpenID provider for the authentication. 
| (This incidentally is why ground control 1.5 
| is broken currently)



Ubuntu 10.4: My first impressions

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 10.4 is going to be an exciting
| release. I am only hoping that Canonical
| will get the music added as well as the

| stability of the Ubuntu Software Center
| and the themes straightened out. Other
| than that, you can finally look forward to
| that heralded 10 second boot time you have
| been waiting for!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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