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[News] OSI Responds to MAFIAA's Public Attack on Free Software

  • Subject: [News] OSI Responds to MAFIAA's Public Attack on Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 00:49:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

The OSI Categorically Rejects IIPA's special pleadings against Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Moore's Law, Disk Law, and Fiber Law have 
| created an economic engine for growth, 
| promising exponentially improving 
| computing, storage, and networking 
| performance for the foreseeable future. And 
| yet according to a 2003 UNCTAD report, 
| "there has been no Moore's Law for 
| software," and indeed it is because of 
| software that computer systems have become 
| more expensive, more complex, and less 
| reliable. The global economy spent $3.4T 
| USD on Information and Communication 
| Technologies in 2008, of which we estimate 
| $1T USD was wasted on "bad software". And 
| reconfirming the 2003 report and our own 
| numbers updated for 2010, others have 
| estimated losses of at least $500B and as 
| much as $6T USD (meaning that for every 
| dollar spent on ICT, that dollar and almost 
| one more went down the drain). Whether the 
| annual loss number is $500B, $1T, or $6T, 
| all represent an unsustainable cost and 
| undeniable evidence that something in the 
| dominant design of the proprietary software 
| industry is deeply flawed. (See 
| OSS-2010.pdf for complete references to all 
| of the above.)


Indonesia: the IIPA is "Watching" you.

,----[ Quote ]
| This is just one of many attacks that try 
| to equate open source software with 
| software piracy and an overall lack of 
| respect for copyright law. And itâs 
| rhetoric that we, as open source advocates, 
| need to quash. Sometimes we even have to 
| educate our own people. The chairwoman of 
| the Indonesian Association of Open Source 
| (AOSI), said in an interview a few months 
| ago â[P]eople have two options: either to 
| pay for licensed software or go open 
| source.â Iâm hoping she was misquoted.



2009 OSI Board Elections held in April

,----[ Quote ]
| The OSI board's annual nominations and elections were held on April 1, 2009.

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