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[News] Free/Libre Web Browsers Get More Extensions, Downloads; Mozilla Informs About Choice

  • Subject: [News] Free/Libre Web Browsers Get More Extensions, Downloads; Mozilla Informs About Choice
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 07:08:19 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Chrome Is Rapidly Approaching Firefox In Extension Numbers

,----[ Quote ]
| It was only December when Google officially 
| launched extensions for its Chrome browser. 
| Almost immediately, there were 500 
| extensions in the gallery as many 
| developers had been working on them for a 
| while. Today, Google is saying that number 
| is now past 3,000. And thatâs significant 
| because itâs already pretty close to the 
| browser known for its extensions (which it 
| calls âadd-onsâ), Firefox.


MDN Logo Update

,----[ Quote ]
| The other day I posted some work-in-
| progress versions of the potential new 
| Mozilla Developer Network logo. As part of 
| that, I asked for feedback from the 
| community and got a *ton* of great input 
| (142 comments at the last count). Thanks to 
| everyone who took the time to share their 
| thoughts.


Hear that Mozilla Drumbeat? No, Me Neither

,----[ Quote ]
| A few months ago, I wrote about Mozilla's 
| new Drumbeat campaign, "a global community 
| of people and projects using technology to 
| help internet users understand, participate 
| and take control of their online lives."




The road back to par: Radical reconstructive surgery planned for Firefox 4.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla not only saw this trend coming, but 
| frankly drove this trend in this direction 
| some years ago, with the move to add just-
| in-time (JIT) compilation to its Firefox 
| JavaScript interpreter. The JavaScript 
| engine Mozilla introduced in version 3.5, 
| dubbed TraceMonkey, borrows a concept from 
| these language frameworks by tracing the 
| direction of JS instructions ahead of time, 
| catabolizing those instructions into loops, 
| and generating a kind of intermediate code 
| that can be very simply recompiled into 
| machine code (assembly) at run time.


Schools for Scandal - the UK's

,----[ Quote ]
| Obviously, it's scandalous that schools not 
| only don't have the option to install 
| Firefox in the first place - since it's 
| much safer than Internet Explorer - but 
| that they must *pay* to install it 
| afterwards. As the article rightly notes, 
| this means they also pay in another way, 
| through lock-in to old software because 
| they can't afford to do so.


Unite Media Player, A Widget for Opera

,----[ Quote ]
| There is now a Media Player widget 
| available for Opera Browser, its Unite 
| Media Player. The applications aims to 
| provide a lot of simplicity to the user.  
| You can directly browser yours or your 
| friend's music and play it right from their 
| devices. No need of uploads/downloads or 
| third party stuff, the music will be 
| streamed from anywhere for you.


What a Difference Marketing Makes: Opera Triples Downloads with Browser Ballot



Mozilla issues new Firefox test release

,----[ Quote ]
| The software is based on version 1.9.3 of
| the Gecko browser engine that underlies
| Firefox. The current Firefox 3.6, and an
| update called Lorentz, are based on 1.9.2.
| The headline feature of the new preview
| release is the same for Lorentz, though:
| out-of-process plug-ins, which means that
| Adobe Systems Flash Player and the like
| run in a separate memory compartment to
| protect the browser overall when they
| crash. Mozilla hopes people will see how
| well it works on an OOPP testing page.


Researchers Develop 3D Graphics Capability for Firefox

,----[ Quote ]
| A group of researchers plans to release a
| version of the Firefox browser that
| includes the built-in ability to view 3D
| graphics, a capability that could open the
| door for more interactive Web pages from
| developers.
| Some gaming companies have created plug-
| ins that allow 3D graphics to be viewed,
| but the latest method does not require
| one, which potentially would allow the
| capability to be used by more people, said
| Philipp Slusallek, a professor at Saarland
| University, at the Cebit trade show on
| Wednesday.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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