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[News] Linux Australia and Other Programmes for Training and Compliance

  • Subject: [News] Linux Australia and Other Programmes for Training and Compliance
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 22:46:26 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Linux Australia to fund research into licence compliance

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Australia, the umbrella organisation 
| for Linux user groups in the country, has 
| decided to provide funding for research to 
| determine the applicability of the Trade 
| Practices Act as a compliance tool.
| [...]
| Further, Scott pointed out, there were 
| other difficulties involved in going to 
| court over such licences in Australia - 
| the copyright holders were, to large 
| extent, from other countries. If a case 
| was filed to try and enforce compliance, 
| the copyright holder would have to be 
| party to the case and hence present in 
| Australia.


Advantages of Combining Training with Outsourcing

,----[ Quote ]
| Company B takes a completely different 
| route. Recognizing that their Windows 
| admins are not familiar with Linux and 
| could use structured Linux training to 
| help them achieve the goal, they first 
| send two admins to an virtual training 
| course for Nagios. In the classroom the 
| two admins have practice servers that are 
| available and a live instructor to ask 
| questions and get ideas. The admins build 
| and test Nagios in labs provided by the 
| training company. At the same time, the 
| company outsources the Nagios server 
| install to the same company that trains 
| the admins and within a month they have 
| Nagios up and running and two fully 
| trained admins to support the Nagios 
| server. The training cost $395 each and 
| the Nagios outsourcing cost the company 
| $500. Total cost for training two admins, 
| $2330. This assumes 8 hours of training 
| for each of the administrators.



Is BECTA for the Chop?

,----[ Quote ]
| And the future for BECTA?  Here is what the reportâs
| authors conclude:
| âAbolish the British Educational Communications and
| Technology Agency (BECTA). BECTA oversees IT
| procurement and technology strategy for schools in
| England and Wales. This has had negative
| consequences for many schools, precluding them from
| organising IT facilities and programmes as they see
| necessary. It hinders an open and competitive
| market, and if schools were to be allocated money
| directly, the sensible option would be to let them
| purchase the equipment that they required according
| to their needs. Abolishing BECTA would realise a
| saving of Â11 million.â
| It would be a controversial move, but I suspect not
| one regretted by the vast majority of teachers.
| Another plus would be that the gaping hole BECTAâs
| demise would create in the centre of the main hall
| at the BETT Show could be used to actually showcase
| real students (rather than bureaucrats) using
| technology as part of their leaning.

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