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[News] GNU/Linux Taken to More Nations

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Red Star OS, a Linux Distro Made in North Korea

,----[ Quote ]
| North Korea has been discovered developing 
| its own Linux distro named Red Star OS. To 
| make it even more interesting, it is said to 
| be commissioned by the infamous Kim Jong-il.
| A Russian student of Kim Il-sung University 
| at Pyongyang bought the distro for $5 USD at 
| an information centre, and then shared his 
| discovery through his blog.


Taking Linux into the Wild Woods

,----[ Quote ]
| Places like this sometimes have computers, 
| and a reasonable amount of use for one, but 
| they're way outside the normal network 
| connected sphere of influence you see in the 
| regular world.  That then begs the question, 
| how do we get Linux into areas like that?
| The One Laptop Per Child project and others 
| like that are working to solve that problem 
| for many of us.  However, what do you do 
| about the people who already have computers 
| and either have never heard about Linux, or 
| have no way to get it (ie, no internet, or 
| limited connectivity).  What can we do to 
| bring Linux to them?  Has anyone even thought 
| about this?



KDE in North Korea

,----[ Quote ]
| I just saw an article about North Korean
| Linux distro, named "ëìë" from Russian
| blog. Although I don't know anything about
| distro's base, who developed and
| translated, who packaged, etc. The
| interesting part is that this distribution
| is using KDE, release 3.x. Also it is
| translated in "North" Korean standard,
| which is different from "South" Korean
| standard, especially in technological
| terms. North uses loanwords from Russian
| language, while South uses them from
| English. North try to keep pure Korean
| terms, South widely adopted foreign
| loanwords. As of linguistic and real
| world, maybe also political
| difference(south and north can't
| communicate), we can't mix and match the
| translation.


Report: North Korea Develops Own Linux Distribution

,----[ Quote ]
| North Korea has reportedly developed its
| own version of the Linux operating with a
| graphical user interface that closely
| resembles Microsoft Windows.
| A copy of the North Korean Linux
| distribution, called Red Star, was
| purchased in Pyongyang for US$5 by a
| Russian student named Mikhail, who then
| posted a brief review of it on his blog
| using the Russian embassy's Internet
| connection, according to the English-
| language Web site of Russia Today, a
| Russian television news channel.


N. Korea develops own OS

,----[ Quote ]
| North Korea's self-developed software
| operating system named the "Red Star" was
| brought to light for the first time by a
| Russian satellite broadcaster yesterday.


North Koreaâs âsecret cyber-weaponâ: brand new Red Star OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Not only does North Korea have âits own
| Internetâ â a national information network
| independent from the US-based Internet
| regulator â it also has an operating system,
| developed under by order of Kim Jong-il.
| Russian student Mikhail, who studies in the
| Kim Il-sung University and writes a blog from
| the Russian embassy in Pyongyang, has
| recently purchased the Red Star Operating
| System (OS) and tested it. Courtesy of
| Mikhail, RT gives you an opportunity to take
| glimpse at IT life of worldâs most closed
| country.


Red Star OS: Linux distro from North Korea

,----[ Quote ]
| North Korea has had its own internet from a
| long time now. Their internet is free of any
| American influence and now, they have their
| own operating system to power that internet.
| The Red Star OS is a Linux based OS,
| developed by orders from Kim Jong-il.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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