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[News] SCALE 8x Talks About Kernel Development Include Ubuntu, Gentoo Attends

  • Subject: [News] SCALE 8x Talks About Kernel Development Include Ubuntu, Gentoo Attends
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 07:14:26 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

SCALE 8x: Ubuntu kernel development process

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical's kernel manager, Pete Graner, spoke 
| at UbuConâheld just prior to SCALE 8xâon the 
| "Ubuntu Kernel Development Process". In the 
| talk, he looked at how Ubuntu decides what 
| goes into the kernel and how that kernel gets 
| built and tested. It provided an interesting 
| look inside the process that results in a new 
| kernel getting released for each new Ubuntu 
| version, which comes along every six months.


SCALE 8x recap

,----[ Quote ]
| I was interviewed by the SCALE Public 
| Relations team; you can see the video here.



SCALE 8x: Color management for everyone

,----[ Quote ]
| On Sunday at SCALE 8x, Inkscape developer Jon
| Cruz presented a talk entitled "Why Color
| Management matters to Open Source and to
| You," putting the need for color management
| into real-world terms for the average Linux
| user, outlining current development work on
| the subject at the application and toolkit
| levels, and giving example color-managed
| workflows for print and web production. Color
| management is sometimes unfairly
| characterized as a topic of interest only to
| print shops and video editors, but as Cruz
| explained at the top of his talk, anyone who
| shares digital content wants it to look
| correct, and everyone who uses more than one
| device knows how tricky that can be.


SCALE 8x: Day 1 - WIOS Talks

,----[ Quote ]
| My review of the first day of SCALE 8x and
| the WIOS talks I attended.

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