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[News] KDE SC Elected for Open-PC, Preview of KDE 4.5

  • Subject: [News] KDE SC Elected for Open-PC, Preview of KDE 4.5
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:36:09 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Open-PC will use KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| The first Open-PC survey is now finished. 
| Over 12,000 people participated in our 
| survey with interesting results: 48% choose 
| KDE as the Desktop. 42% choose GNOME and 9% 
| choose Xfce. 52% chose Amarok as 
| mediaplayer and 88% choose Firefox as 
| default Browser.


Five Improvements for KDE 4.5 (Part 1)

,----[ Quote ]
| 4.) Easier Theme Installation
| Another issue I had with KDE (even with the 
| KDE3.x series) is that themes are so easy to 
| install in GNOME, but a pain in KDE. While 
| installing new themes is still easiest to do 
| in GNOME (download, drag, and drop) KDE SC 4.4 
| has made strides in this area, finally. It can 
| only get better from here.
| [...]
| So, there you have it. Those are 
| features/changes I wished for during previous 
| KDE releases that have all materialized into 
| reality. With such progress, itâs clear that 
| KDE is moving at the speed of light, and I 
| predict KDE SC 4.5 will be the height of the 
| KDE4 series. What am I hoping for in that 
| release? Stay tuned next week to find out, and 
| be ready to share your ideas so we can help 
| make KDE the best it can be.



KDE SC 4.4 Available on Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Why offer free software like the KDE
| applications on Windows? Users who become
| familiar with the KDE applications and grow to
| like them on Windows will presumably find it
| easier to move to an all-free desktop at some
| point. The more familiar Linux (or *BSD) is
| the first time a new user tries it, the more
| likely it is that they'll be happy in the new
| environment and successful migrating to the
| new OS.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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