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[News] Nokia's Linux Phones More Like a Desktop

  • Subject: [News] Nokia's Linux Phones More Like a Desktop
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 23:30:57 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Hands on with Nokia's N900: When is a phone not a phone?

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia might dominate the global phone market 
| but its clunky old S60 operating system just 
| doesn't cut it anymore, taking the shine off 
| impressive new devices such as the N97 mini. 
| Facing serious competition on all sides, the 
| Finnish mobile behemoth has unveiled the 
| N900 - its first Linux-powered smartphone 
| running the Maemo 5 mobile operating system


VoX Communications Launches Its $69.95 Unlimited Voice and Data Plan on Nokia's N900 Maemo Smart Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| Pervasip's Chief Information Officer Mark 
| Richards noted, "We are very excited to be a 
| voice and data service provider for this 
| mobile computer. The N900 uses the Linux 
| derivative Maemo operating system, an open-
| source platform that enables the Maemo 
| community to freely modify and continually 
| develop software as part of the shared goal 
| of bringing added value to Maemo. VoX is a 
| Linux shop and we employ several Linux 
| experts. We congratulate Nokia for 
| developing such a sensational introductory 
| Linux phone. In our opinion, there has never 
| been a more responsive and intuitive 
| device."


My 2010 Nokia QWERTY smackdown.

,----[ Quote ]
| I put the N900 around the middle of the 
| pack. Despite the keys being crammed up 
| against each other theyâve a slight contour 
| to them, so youâll have little trouble 
| finding the one you want. Pressing a key 
| yields a satisfying click, but compared to 
| my #2 keypad theyâre maybe just a bit stiff.


Tinymail 1.0 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| At the core of the Nokia 900's Modest email 
| client is Tinymail, a library for developing 
| mobile apps with email features. Three years 
| in the making, Tinymail 1.0 has made it out 
| the door. In addition to making it past the 
| 1.0 barrier, this release brings a bunch of 
| improvements and new features for the 
| project.



MeeGo code coming in March, will run on Atom boards and N900

,----[ Quote ]
| In an announcement published last week,
| Nokia's Valtteri Halla revealed that Intel
| and Nokia are planning to launch the public
| MeeGo source code repository by the end of
| the month.
| The MeeGo project began to take shape last
| month when Intel and Nokia announced plans
| to merge their respective Linux-based
| mobile computing platforms into a single
| open source software project. The unified
| software platform, which consists of
| technology from Maemo and Moblin, will be
| designed for use on a wide range of device
| form factors and will support both ARM and
| x86 architectures.


The Linux Box in My Pocket

,----[ Quote ]
| We each found cool stuff to show each other
| over the next 8 hours. âTV timeâ that night
| became âinstall-try-uninstall timeâ. We
| tried out every free Droid app we could get
| out hands on.
| My current app list includes:
| * a dictionary
| * an app with information on every country
| * another with info on each of the United
| States
| * an app with just about every math and
| physics formula you can imagine
| * a copy of the Constitution
| [...]

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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