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[News] Millions of Dollars Made in Business Built Around the GPL

  • Subject: [News] Millions of Dollars Made in Business Built Around the GPL
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 10:20:05 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Building an open source business

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2002 I was working for Oculan, a company 
| that founded an open source network 
| management application platform called 
| OpenNMS. Oculan used this platform as the 
| basis for a network management appliance, 
| but my job was to create a services and 
| support business around the platform itself.
| In May, just after the release of OpenNMS 
| version 1.0, Oculan got new investors, who 
| decided to focus on the appliance and to 
| stop working on OpenNMS.
| I knew that without at least one person 
| dedicated to OpenNMS it would die, and I 
| wasn't ready to give up on it. So I went to 
| the CEO and asked to become the 
| administrator of the project. We talked for 
| a bit, and then he looked at his watch and 
| said that if I was off his payroll by 
| Friday, he'd give me a couple of servers, 
| the OpenNMS domain names, and his blessing 
| to continue on with OpenNMS.
| [...]
| In conclusion, I should add that the first 
| year I spent as the admin of OpenNMS cost me 
| $5,000 of my savings. I've made money every 
| year since then, and currently the 
| commercial arm of the project has a dozen 
| employees in three countries and seven-
| figure revenues. Oculan closed its doors in 
| 2004.
| Open source isnât just a good design 
| philosophy; itâs good business.



Acquia 2009 retrospective

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday I shared my 2009 retrospective on Drupal along
| with some predictions for 2010. Today, I want to reflect
| on Acquia's 2009, as for obvious reasons, Acquia has been a
| big part of my life in 2009.
| [...]
| To deliver on the vision outlined in our roadmap, we
| had to raise more money -- no small thing given the
| downturn in the economy. Instead of reserving cash,
| Tom and I went out and raised an additional $8 million
| dollars in Series B funding, bringing our total funding
| to date to $15 million USD.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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