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[News] Squeak 4.0 released is Released, Part of Skype Going Free

  • Subject: [News] Squeak 4.0 released is Released, Part of Skype Going Free
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:47:37 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Squeak 4.0 released - now under MIT/Apache license

,----[ Quote ]
| Squeak, the open source implementation of the 
| Smalltalk language and environment, has been 
| updated to version 4.0 and re-licensed under a 
| combination of the MIT and Apache licences. 
| Version 4.0 of the code is functionally 
| identical to the previous 3.10.2 release of 
| Squeak, only varying in the licensing terms, 
| but the developers will release Squeak 4.1 as 
| soon as possible to include current 
| development work.


Skype publishes SILK audio codec source code

,----[ Quote ]
| Skype has announced that it has published 
| the source code for its SILK audio codec, 
| introduced last year, which the company 
| uses in its internet telephony applications 
| for Windows and Mac OS X. Daniel Berg, 
| Skypeâs Chief Technology Officer said "This 
| represents a key step in the development of 
| an international standard for a wideband 
| codec for use on the Internet,". The 
| release of the source code comes as part of 
| Skype's recent submission of an an Internet 
| Draft to the Internet Engineering Task 
| Force (IETF).



Skype for Linux 2.1 Beta 2 adds screen sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| Nearly five months after the release of the
| first beta, the Skype for Linux developers
| have announced the availability of the
| second beta for version 2.1 of their Linux
| Skype client. In addition to several
| localisation updates and bug fixes, version
| of Skype for Linux adds a number
| of new features that have been available on
| Mac and Windows editions of Skype for some
| time. The full release for Windows is
| currently at version 4.1 and for Mac OS X
| is at version 2.8.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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