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[News] GNOME Wants Census, Nautilus Has Place for Improvement

  • Subject: [News] GNOME Wants Census, Nautilus Has Place for Improvement
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 12:15:39 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

The GNOME Census project

,----[ Quote ]
| We will be launching a survey this week 
| asking GNOME developers who they work for, 
| and whether they have worked for other 
| companies previously â because of the 
| widespread use of gnome.org email addresses 
| in GNOME, unfortunately it has not always 
| been easy to identify companies behind the 
| people. We also want qualitative 
| information on projects you work on, 
| whether you work on GNOME in your free 
| time, and more. We are be breaking down 
| GNOME development by core platform, 
| external dependencies, GNOME desktop, GNOME 
| hosted applications and other GNOME 
| applications. Vanessa will be sending out a 
| very short survey to everyone who has 
| committed to GNOME, and we need your help 
| to make the census as useful as possible to 
| the GNOME project.


Deconstructing Nautilus and rebuilding it better

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, if you follow the active development 
| of GNOME as much as I do, you may have 
| heard of two recent technologies actively 
| being developed. They are Zeitgeist and the 
| GNOME Activity Journal. What are they? 
| Well, Zeitgeist is a little, unobtrusive 
| daemon that ticks quietly away in the 
| background and records every file you 
| access, every image you edit, essentially 
| every event you perform on your computer 
| and keeps a chronological Journal of this 
| information for other applications to use. 
| This is the core engine that runs quietly 
| in the background. The frontend to this is 
| the GNOME Activity Journal â an application 
| that allows you to browse and search 
| through Zeitgeistâs recordings of your 
| activities and interact with that 
| information. One of the developers of the 
| GNOME Activity Journal posted a very handy 
| video showing it in action. I use it myself 
| and it is very handy. I also use Docky2 on 
| my desktop that has Zeitgeist interaction. 
| One of the options when you right-click on 
| a launcher in Docky2 is the Journal entry, 
| that allows you to browse through recent 
| events and files accessed in that 
| particular application. A stroke of genius. 
| Again hereâs a handy little video 
| demonstrating Docky2 with Zeitgeist 
| integration.



GNOME and Project:Possibility: collaboration in open source accessibility

,----[ Quote ]
| Project:Possibility organise team coding
| competitions for computer science students.
| The the goal of these SS12 events is to
| create accessibility software that will be
| of benefit to real users. These weekend
| âcode-a-thonsâ bring the students together
| with a mentor from industry and provide an
| exciting chance to learn something about
| accessibility, while creating open source
| software. Thus students get exposure to
| topics and skills that are still sadly
| absent from many computer science courses.
| Plus they get to have fun and win prizes.


GNOME Foundation Charter: Iâve read it. Have you?

,----[ Quote ]
|     GNOME is part of the GNU project and
|     supports the goals of the GNU project
|     as defined by the Free Software
|     Foundation. Free software licensing has
|     always been a mainstay of GNOME, and we
|     must ensure that this traditionSplit-View Nautilus Coming To Gnome-Shell?

,----[ Quote ]
| Split-panel nautilus tweaks/hacks are
| incredibly popular but up until now the
| feature remained a 3rd party enablement.
| With the upcoming GNOME Shell raising
| questions as to the purpose Nautilus due
| to features Nautilus traditionally
| provided instead being served-up by the
| Shell.

|     continues. GNOME will include only Free
|     software.
| From the GNOME Foundation Charter.


Nautilus With Zeitgeist Integration Already Functional [How-to]

,----[ Quote ]
| To use it you can either patch Nautilus or
| just have a new bookmark in Nautilus. If you
| are not very confortable with compiling
| software from source, I suggest you skip to
| the "For both with and without the Nautilus
| patch (start from here to install it without
| the Nautilus patch!)" part.


Nautilus Just Got Gorgeous

,----[ Quote ]
| The Nautilus file-manager included in
| Ubuntu is... well.. crowded. We already saw
| some changes developers are taking to tame
| to the vast areas of wasted space and
| useless buttons in our over-view of Ubuntu
| Lucid Alpha 2 and prior to that we drooled
| over a 'Simplified Nautilus' - which is
| sadly no longer updated.


Split-View Nautilus Coming To Gnome-Shell?

,----[ Quote ]
| Split-panel nautilus tweaks/hacks are
| incredibly popular but up until now the
| feature remained a 3rd party enablement.
| With the upcoming GNOME Shell raising
| questions as to the purpose Nautilus due
| to features Nautilus traditionally
| provided instead being served-up by the
| Shell.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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