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[News] Lesser Known GNU/Linux Distributions for Sub-notebooks, ASUS to Put Linux on Tablets

  • Subject: [News] Lesser Known GNU/Linux Distributions for Sub-notebooks, ASUS to Put Linux on Tablets
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 12:59:46 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Cool portable linux music studio

,----[ Quote ]
| If you like ubuntu and like making digital 
| music you should definitely take a look at 
| Indamixx's Transmission.


Linux on Netbooks Reloads With Ubuntu-based Jolicloud

,----[ Quote ]
| Jolicloud plans to release an SDK to help 
| port apps to its platform, but since apps 
| are in HTML5, any developer writing HTML5 
| apps won't need to make a "port," per se, 
| said Krim.
| For now, Jolicloud is a free product. Krim 
| said the company is looking at different 
| ways to monetize the software and/or 
| services but for now, "we want to provide a 
| compelling user experience before charging 
| people."


ASUS Confirms Tablet Plans

,----[ Quote ]
| Although it hasn't been confirmed, one 
| device is expected to be Windows-based 
| while the other is either Android or 
| Chrome. 



Tablets, Netbooks and Ultra Thins... Oh My!

,----[ Quote ]
| Trinity Audio Group's awarding winning Indamixx line of
| portable studio's partners with Renoise and Create
| Digital Music to kick off this falls hottest song
| contest. "Trackers are back" says creative director
| Ronald Stewart.


Indamixx Studio offers Linux-based netbook configured for music

,----[ Quote ]
| If youâre a big audiophile and are in the market for a netbook, we might just
| have something for you that fits the bill. The Indamixx Laptop offers up a
| ton of pre-installed audio software on a Linux-based OS and the entire system
| falls under $500.
| The Indamixx Laptop, from Trinity Audio Group, was announced today and is the
| perfect choice for DJâs, producers and remixers. It uses an Intel Atom
| processor and makes it easy to create and broadcast your music on the web.


Linux Carried Along on Netbooks Wave

,----[ Quote ]
| Morvay revealed to Linux Magazine Online that there were no specific figures
| for Linux netbook sales, but that it lay somewhere in the 40th percentile.
| Even though this figure seems a little high, it is known that many of the
| world's netbooks have Linux on board since their first inception 18 months
| ago.
| For example, notebooks with Linux make up about 5.5% of the notebook market
| in Germany...

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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