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[News] GNU/Linux "Has Changed Everything" at IBM

  • Subject: [News] GNU/Linux "Has Changed Everything" at IBM
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 21:37:57 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

QA with IBM's Dan Frye: "Everything Has Changed" 

,----[ Quote ]
| You will be talking about 10+ years of Linux 
| at IBM. What has changed about Linux in a 
| decade? What hasn't?
| Frye: Whoa. Everything has changed. Nothing 
| is the same, with the possible exception of 
| the "can do" philosophy of the global Linux 
| development team. Everything has evolved - 
| the technology, the market, customer 
| adoption, the development process (yes, Linux 
| community does have processes, even if 
| they're frequently loathe to admit it....). 
| And all for the better. One of the most 
| amazing things about the Linux market has 
| been unbroken chain of success over the past 
| decade - not once did the Linux pause or even 
| briefly decline. The rise of the Internet 
| ushered in the age of open standard computing 
| with customers demanding freedom from relying 
| upon any single, closed operating system 
| provider. As a result, today, Linux is an 
| unstoppable force in the industry, changing 
| the economics of information technology, 
| driving open standards in a way never before 
| possible, and advancing customer innovation. 


KVM, QEMU, and kernel project management



IBM, Canonical to sell Ubuntu-ready netbooks in Africa

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM, Canonical and Simmtronics today
| announced they will market a low-cost,
| Intel Atom-based Simmtronics netbook in
| emerging markets. The Simmbook will be
| preloaded with the IBM Client for Smart
| Work Linux distro, based on Ubuntu Netbook
| Remix, and will first be made available in
| Africa for just $190, says IBM.


IBM Cloud Services Included on Sub-$200 Netbook

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical and Simmtronics on Thursday
| announced that the Simmtronics netbook, the
| Simmbook, is now available to emerging
| markets for just $190


IBM Partners To Offer $190 Cloud-Connected Netbook For Emerging Markets

,----[ Quote ]
| The Simmbook is one of the first Netbook to
| provide direct access to the cloud by
| offering a package of online collaboration
| tools. The OS is not cloud-based but
| LotusLive is a robust enough application
| suite to give customers a cloud environment
| that should prove useful and less expensive
| than the costs of a Windows-based operating
| system.


IBM, Simmtronics to offer $190 Linux netbooks

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