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[News] How Patents Are Costing Lives, Microsoft Still Corrupts Europe's Patent Policies

  • Subject: [News] How Patents Are Costing Lives, Microsoft Still Corrupts Europe's Patent Policies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 11:02:49 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Pay-For-Delay Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Pharma Company Dismissed

,----[ Quote ]
| So, basically, the only reason this wasn't 
| anticompetitive was because it all happened 
| under a government-granted monopoly. Talk 
| about ironic, right? Because there's a 
| monopoly, the company doesn't get labeled a 
| monopolist. Isn't the patent system great?
| This ruling is unfortunate for a variety of 
| reasons. You can see why generic drug 
| makers agree to these deals: it's either go 
| through an expensive fight to put a drug on 
| the market, or get out of the lawsuit and 
| get paid a ton of money for nothing. Not 
| hard to make that decision. But the end 
| result is anti-competitive, in that it 
| allows big pharma firms to keep the prices 
| jacked up very high on their drugs, much to 
| the detriment of everyone else.


Schering-Plough Wins Dismissal of Suit Alleging Generic Drug Makers Were Paid Off

,----[ Quote ]
| A federal judge in Newark, N.J., on 
| Thursday dismissed a class action claiming 
| that Schering-Plough Corp. violated 
| antitrust law by paying generic drug makers 
| to delay introduction of knockoffs of its 
| potassium-deficiency drug K-Dur.


Microsoft trying to gut EU IT policy, replacing open standards with proprietary junk - your letters needed!



Sun exec accuses Microsoft of 'patent terrorism'

,----[ Quote ]
| The efforts of Microsoft to pressure the Linux community over alleged and
| unspecified patents is akin to "patent terrorism", according to a local
| executive for Sun Microsystems.


Microsoft, the art of Corporate Terrorism.

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, no longer the technological leader in the Computer Desktop
| market, is taking on a terrorist role in its attempt remain in power
| at all costs. (see the link to the CNN story below)
| The tactic is intended to frighten current, and would be, free
| software users away from products that Microsoft just can't compete
| with. It's not a new tactic, but for the first time desperation is
| beginning to show.


Convicted Monopolist Terrorizes Software Industry

,----[ Quote ]
| That headline is designed to grab your attention. Sensationalistic as
| it may be, it also happens to be true, if what you mean by 'terrorize'
| is to provoke fear.
| If you've been following the presidential race in the United States,
| you know the present crop of candidates have been exploiting the fear
| of the American people as they never have before in the history of
| the country.

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