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[News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.10 Dates Listed

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Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat release schedule

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 10.10 will released on October 28, 
| 2010.
| June 03rd, 2010 â Alpha 1 release
| July 1st , 2010 â Alpha 2 release
| August 12th, 2010 â Alpha 3 release
| September 2nd, 2010 â Alpha 4 release
| September 23th , 2010 â Beta release
| October 21st , 2010 â Release Candidate
| October 28th, 2010 â Final release of 
| Ubuntu 10.10
| Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat release 
| schedule


Linux Mint 6 Felicia reaches end of life

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Mint 6 Felicia will reach end of life on 
| April 30, 2010. This release was based on 
| Ubuntu 8.10 which is planned to reach end-of-
| life at the same date.


First Debian Mini Conference to be held in Germany



Shooting for the Perfect 10.10 with Maverick Meerkat

,----[ Quote ]
| Our mascot for 10.10 is the Maverick
| Meerkat.
| This is a time of change, and weâre not
| afraid to surprise people with a bold move
| if the opportunity for dramatic
| improvement presents itself. We want to
| put Ubuntu and free software on every
| single consumer PC that ships from a major
| manufacturer, the ultimate maverick move.
| We will deliver on time, but we have huge
| scope for innovation in what we deliver
| this cycle. Once we have released the LTS
| we have plenty of room to shake things up
| a little. Letâs hear the best ideas,
| gather the best talent, and be a little
| radical in how we approach the next two
| year major cycle.


Ubuntu 10.10 to be codenamed Maverick Meerkat

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 10.04 is a long-term support
| release, which means that the focus during
| the current development cycle has largely
| been on stabilization and refining the
| existing technology. Shuttleworth says
| that we can expect to see a return to
| experimentation in the 10.10 release, with
| the potential for some radical changes.
| Some of the most important goals include
| delivering a new Ubuntu Netbook Edition
| user interface, improving the Web
| experience, boosting startup performance,
| and extending social network integration
| on the desktop. Shuttleworth also hopes to
| advance Ubuntu's cloud support by
| simplifying deployment and making it
| easier to manage cloud computing
| workloads.


Final Decision For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Window Controls Placement Announced By Mark Shuttleworth

,----[ Quote ]
| Mark Shuttleworth announced seconds ago
| that the Metacity window controls will
| remain on the left in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
| (Lucid Lynx), however the order will
| change to: close, minimize, maximize.


10.10 Ubuntu Developer Summit announced

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical's Ubuntu Community Manager Jono
| Bacon has announced that the next Ubuntu
| Developer Summit (UDS) will be take place
| from the 10th to the 14th of May, 2010 at
| the Dolce La Hulpe Hotel and Resort in
| Brussels, Belgium. According to Bacon, the
| 10.10 Ubuntu Developer Summit is "one of the
| most important events in the Ubuntu calendar
| and at it we discuss, debate and design the
| next version of Ubuntu".

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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