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[News] Google Offers Support for Ogg, Apple Cans Flash

  • Subject: [News] Google Offers Support for Ogg, Apple Cans Flash
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 22:18:11 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Interesting times for Video on the Web

,----[ Quote ]
| If I told you that Google had helped fund 
| an ARM code optimised version of the Theora 
| video codec, most peopleâs reaction would 
| be immediately to skip forward to the next 
| blog entry. Audio and video codecs are the 
| classic example of things that no one cares 
| about, until they donât work.
| Ask most computer users what their 
| preferred video codec is and theyâll look 
| at you as if you asked what sort of motor 
| theyâd prefer in their washing machine. âWe 
| just want it to work!â they say. In this 
| regard, itâs exactly the same for content 
| creators and publishers. Every visitor to a 
| website that canât view a video is one set 
| of eyeballs less for a message to get 
| through to. It doesnât matter how clever 
| the advertising is, how much time is spent 
| honing the message or how many clever viral 
| tricks are deployed to attract surfers to 
| the site, the moment the page opens up with 
| a big blank box where the content should 
| be, all that has been in vain.
| [...]
| Fortunately, there is some good news in the 
| form of HTML 5. This new version of HTML 
| (the basic language used to write webpages) 
| introduces a video element.


Apple Slaps Developers In The Face 

,----[ Quote ]
| The fact that Apple would make such a 
| hostile and despicable move like this 
| clearly shows the difference between our 
| two companies.



Get Prepared for the HTML5 Revolution

,----[ Quote ]
| In many ways, HTML5 is an attempt to bring
| order to many of the features and behaviors
| that have become the norm in recent years.
| This section highlights some of the more
| compelling additions.


FSFE and FFII to Radio Station Winners: "rOGG on"

,----[ Quote ]
| Radio Free Deutschland: For Document Freedom
| Day, March 31 2010, a couple of European radio
| stations were granted awards for using open
| standards.
| The radio stations Deutschlandradio and Radio
| Orange received the awards from the Free
| Software Foundation Europe and Foundation for
| a Free Information Infrastructure because they
| transmitted over the Internet in the Ogg
| Vorbis media container format. The free Radio
| Orange 94.0 in Vienna and dradio.de
| (Deutschlandfunk in Cologne and
| Deutschlandradio Kultur in Berlin) were
| honored with the awards (and a cake) the
| afternoon of March 31 under the slogan "rOGG
| on!" (see Gallery).

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