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[News] New Lists and Reviews of Applications for GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] New Lists and Reviews of Applications for GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:18:10 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

8 Best Free Instant Messaging Clients for Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu Linux is a free; open-source 
| operating system based the Debian GNU/Linux 
| distribution. However, many people do not 
| prefer to use it because of the number of 
| applications that are available for Ubuntu 
| Linux, when compared with Windows and Mac. 
| If you are a Ubuntu user and confused which 
| instant messaging client you should use, I 
| gathered a list of few excellent IM clients 
| for Ubuntu Linux.


Last.fm Support in Ubuntu 10.04 â Scrobbling and Streaming

,----[ Quote ]
| Setting up Last.fm streaming and scrobbling 
| in Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx, is fast and 
| easy. The Rhythmbox music player provides 
| scrobbling support and the Last.fm client 
| will let you stream your favorite stations 
| in a nice stand-alone application. Hereâs a 
| screencast and written instructions on 
| exactly how to set things up.


A console spellchecker and dictionary

,----[ Quote ]
| My list of stuff to write about seems to 
| get longer and longer every day, instead of 
| shorter and shorter. I just got done 
| explaining four console âtoolsâ that lack 
| real interfaces but are still useful, and I 
| could probably come up with three or four 
| more posts similar to that.


Celtx, A Review

,----[ Quote ]
| We are several days into Script Frenzy, a 
| thirty day challenge to write a script, 
| either a movie, play, television or graphic 
| magazine. The challenge is similar to the 
| fall exercise known as National Novel 
| Writing Month where you have to write a 
| novel. But where NaNo is about word count, 
| Script Frenzy is about page count. But this 
| is not the only difference. 


Avant Window Navigator 0.4 Final Released (Dock Taskbar And Launcher For Linux)

,----[ Quote ]
| A lot of people have been using AWN (Avant 
| Window Navigator) 0.4 for quite some time, 
| but that was a beta version.
| Today the stable version of AWN 0.4 has 
| been released, after 14 months since the 
| last Avant Window Navigator release.


Miranda Your Personal Ubuntu File Manager

,----[ Quote ]
| Miranda is your personal file organizer in 
| Ubuntu. She will help you to de clutter 
| your documents and organizes them according 
| to some predefined rules.  We can ask her 
| to move files with certain names or date 
| into certain folder. She will help you zip 
| and archive old files that we do not need. 
| She can even help you empty your rubbish 
| bin on a regular basis.  User can create a 
| combination of rules that allow Miranda to 
| organize your files in a fashion that the 
| user see it fits.


Shiny, Happy Linux OS Terminals With Bashish

,----[ Quote ]
| In the mood for a bit more color in your 
| life? Check out Bashish to try out themes 
| for your terminal.
| I installed from source due to problems 
| with the Debian repository; if doing this, 
| note that you'll need to install the dialog 
| package manually via apt-get. Once you've 
| run ./configure; make; sudo make install, 
| run bashish to get things set up properly. 
| Then restart a terminal to get the default 
| theme.


Secure your disks and data with eMount

,----[ Quote ]
| If you run Linux, you have access to a 
| number of tools to keep the information on 
| your hard drives secure and private. One 
| good option is eMount, a tool that can 
| mount, encrypt, and manage disk image files 
| and physical disk drives. eMount offers an 
| easy-to-use interface to make data 
| available as a user needs it, on demand, 
| making any system more secure. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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