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[News] Reviews/Survey of System-cleaning Applications for GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Reviews/Survey of System-cleaning Applications for GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 00:46:51 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

What is the best Ubuntu system cleaner? You decide! [Poll]

,----[ Quote ]
| Now over to you: Whatâs your favourite system 
| cleaning application? Poll closes in one 
| weeks time.


It's the 21st Century. Do you know where your files are?

,----[ Quote ]
| This does not mean that you can easily 
| find everything that you might consider a 
| "file" or similar entity in Linux. There 
| is a good chance that your email software 
| uses some bizarro file that you can't 
| easily see inside of. (I use alpine which 
| puts the emails inside a text file, but 
| hardy anybody does that.) There are 
| "hidden" files in Linux just like in 
| Windows (in Linux, everything that starts 
| with a "dot" (".") is automatically 
| "hidden" .... meaning you can't see it 
| unless you "unhide" that which is hidden). 
| There are other strangeosities as well. 


Containers vs. Hypervisors: Choosing the Best Virtualization Technology 



Open source privacy enhancer BleachBit 0.6.5 released

,----[ Quote ]
| BleachBit frees disk space, removes hidden junk, and guards your
| privacy. Erase cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history,
| remove unused localizations, shred logs, and delete temporary
| files.


BleachBit 0.6.3 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| We all know that computers tend to gather all kind of stale
| files that pile up in different temporary or cache folders,
| ultimately slowing down the system and occupying valuable disk
| space. Any self-respecting geek takes on the job of manually
| cleaning those files every once in a while, but no matter how
| through you are, you certainly won't be able to purge them all.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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