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[News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Product Dies

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Product Dies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 00:17:05 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

R.I.P. ye olde Xbox Live

,----[ Quote ]
| More pointedly, the original Xbox Live service 
| is, as of today (April 15) no more, after 
| Redmond-based Microsoft officially yanked the 
| gameplay rug out from beneath faithful Xbox 
| owners at midnight of last night.
| âOn April 15 we will discontinue the Xbox LIVE 
| service for original Xbox consoles and games, 
| including Xbox v1 games playable on Xbox 360 
| and Xbox Originals,â outlined Xbox Live 
| general manager Marc Whitten in a February 
| announcement.



Victims of Call of Duty crash get Xbox Live credit of about 90 cents

,----[ Quote ]
| When Microsoft posted the enhanced game
| update to the Xbox Live Marketplace on
| March 30, it made a fatal error by making
| the download available before the Call of
| Duty game itself was updated to accept the
| download.
| As a result, the game crashed for hours for
| people who legitimately purchased the
| content, while Microsoft struggled to fix
| the problem that it had apparently never
| dealt with before.


Xbox 360 Coffin is a Final Resting Place After RRoD

,----[ Quote ]
| These days Microsoft is no longer shipping
| gamers who have a dead Xbox 360 a postage-
| paid cardboard packing box (affectionately
| called the "coffin") for the return of the
| console. While Microsoft still pays for
| shipping both ways, it's up to the console
| owner to provide the packing materials for
| the trip back to the repair center.


Nintendo USA president: Our value puts us ahead of Xbox, PS3


Sony Mocks Microsoftâs Natal


Sony mocks Microsoft's Natal

,----[ Quote ]
| Damning with faint praise Tretton said that
| Natal was a âpretty big ideaâ and if
| punters really want to play with a camera
| they might like to buy a $99 PS2 and play
| some of the great technology âwe invented
| eight years ago.â


Nintendo Embarrassed to Be Sony, Microsoft


Nintendo: We Would Be Embarrassed To Be Sony, Microsoft [Nintendo CEO Says Their Goal Is To Innovate, Interested In HD But No Wii HD Coming]


Nintendo would be embarassed to do what Sony and Microsoft do


Nintendo Would Be Embarrassed to Behave Like Sony and Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Talking to the Kotaku blog, Reggie Fils-
| Aime, the president of Nintendo of America,
| went on the offensive, saying that âI think
| we would have been embarrassed to do what
| our competitors are currently doing,â
| adding that âall I can tell you is that we
| will innovate. We will provide something
| new. Something that the consumer and the
| industry will look at and say, 'Wow, I
| didn't see that coming'.â


PlayStation Move ad mocks Natal, attacks Nintendo Wii


Playstation ad says Project Natal is for third graders


Which Xbox 360 Red Ring Of Death Fix To Choose - Microsoft or DIY Repair?


Xbox 360 Red Ring Of Death Fix - Looking For Microsoft Repair Center Phone Number?


Need Your Refurbished Xbox 360 Expedited? Call This Number


Microsoft Responds To Recent Xbox Live Drama


Hard luck with Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Many in the gaming community are familiar with
| a common pitfall of the Xbox 360. Gamers know
| the syndrome simply as âthe red rings of
| death.â The issue is common and easily
| remedied, and is a problem that the newest
| generations of Xbox 360s are supposedly free
| of.
| So I rested easy after purchasing my 360
| Arcade and a 20-gigabyte hard drive last
| winter, knowing that the folks at Microsoft
| had eliminated this frustrating problem.
| Much to my dismay, I recently powered-on my
| system and was greeted with a distressing
| noise. I waited and waited but the system
| never advanced past the logo screen. After 5
| minutes of troubleshooting, the screen flashed
| to black with the words âerror 67â emblazoned
| near the bottom.
| Shit, I thought. Red rings of death I can deal
| with, but what is this âerror 67?â This
| experience would lead me to verify what I had
| long suspected: Microsoft isnât as keen on
| satisfying their customers as they may appear
| to be.


Microsoft Losing its Fame

,----[ Quote ]
| Players face a lot of technical errors.
| Microsoft must offer some kind of substitutes
| for their products when they simply stop
| working. Red ring errors can be solved but
| technical errors like âerror 67â is difficult
| to tackle.


Microsoft restricting Xbox 360 units from Army because the sale wouldnât give them enough money?

,----[ Quote ]
| Argue if you want, but the Xbox 360 with itâs
| cheap hardware, massive online gameplay and
| options for scenarios, and rather robust
| library of war games means itâs a pretty good
| fit as a training tool for the fine men and
| women training our country. Common sense also
| makes a might appearance. Itâs simple
| actually. Why should the Army spend upwards of
| $1,000 on training computers for each and ever
| soldier if an Xbox 360 can be had for
| significantly less and be used for multiple
| soldiers? Itâs basic math.


PS3 Better Serves Publishers Than 360, says Sony


Sony Bashes Microsoft's "Check Writing" Policy Again

,----[ Quote ]
| Sony's PR strategy in the console war seems to
| be to point out that Microsoft is a devilish,
| top hat-wearing fat cat lording over the
| population with its giant dollar-sign labeled
| sacks of cash.
| Back in April, Sony bashed Microsoft for
| purchasing most of its exclusive titles rather
| than creating them, and with the recent
| release of Mass Effect 2 has gone back to
| those same tactics. Rob Dyer, SCEA Senior Vice
| President of Publisher Relations, told
| IndustryGamers that Sony "counters" Xbox 360
| exclusives with its own first-party games,
| which Microsoft simply has no answer to.


Microsoft Sued Over Xbox Live Points


Microsoft Hit with Class Action Over XBox Points


R.I.P., Halo 2 on Xbox Live

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft early this morning delivered some
| bad news to holdouts continuing to use its
| Xbox Live online gaming service to play games
| originally created for its first Xbox. As of
| April 15, the company is discontinuing Xbox
| Live for the original Xbox, according to the
| post by Xbox Live GM Marc Whitten (via
| VentureBeat).


What Microsoft giveth the Microsoft taketh away? â Xbox Live & Zune issues?

,----[ Quote ]
| Now it appears that as of April 15th 2010,
| fans of old Xbox titles such as Halo 2 will no
| longer be able to play them on Xbox live
| market place. Microsoft (as usual) reports
| this news as if its a good thing (and unless I
| am mistaken Halo 2 is still loved by many)


Microsoft Points Draw Class Action Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| A Philadelphia-area attorney has filed a
| class action suit against Microsoft, claiming
| the software maker ripped him off after he
| bought points that were supposed to allow him
| to make purchases over the online Xbox Live
| Marketplace.
| Samuel Lassoff, of Horsham, PA, said an
| invoice he received earlier this month from
| Microsoft included charges for purchases he
| couldn't complete due to a balky download
| systemâand he claimed it wasn't an accident.


Microsoft, Stop Charging For Other Companiesâ Content On Xbox

,----[ Quote ]
| If your subscription is paid, you can watch
| Netflix for free on your computer, your Blu-
| ray player, your PS3, and soon, your Wii â
| but not on the Xbox 360. Microsoft, itâs time
| to kill the Xbox internet tax


Microsoft may drop points system from Xbox; Zune too?


Microsoft Points Were Never Meant To "Mislead People"


Microsoft Apologises For Points System, May Move To Real Money


box 360 sales tepid, stable in Japan

,----[ Quote ]
| Media Create Co. on Fri. reported that the
| Xbox 360 sold 8,965 units between Dec. 14 and
| Dec. 20 to rank No. 7 in overall hardware
| sales.

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