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[News] [Rival] Apple Only Accepts Freedom of Speech When Put Under Media Fire

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Apple Only Accepts Freedom of Speech When Put Under Media Fire
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 16:06:38 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Apple App Store Bans Pulitzer-Winning Satirist for Satire

,----[ Quote ]
| Editorial cartoonist Mark Fiore may be good 
| enough to win this yearâs Pulitzer Prize, but 
| heâs evidently too biting to get past the 
| auditors who run Appleâs iPhone app store, 
| who ruled that lampooning public figures 
| violated its terms of service.


Apple bans Pulitzer Prize political cartoons from iPhone


Good Enough For A Pulitzer, But Not Good Enough For Apple


Apple Blocks Cartoonist From App Store


Bad PR Forces Apple To Reconsider Banning Mark Fiore's App


Bad PR Forces Apple to Reconsider Banning Prize-Winning Satirist



Apple removes Wi-Fi finders from App Store

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple on Thursday began removing another
| category of apps from its iPhone App Store.
| This time, it's not porn, it's Wi-Fi.


Apple Awarded Patent For iPhone Interface

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple's 358-page patent application for their iPhone interface entitled Touch
| screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands
| by applying heuristics has been approved after more than two years of review
| by the US Patent Office. [...] As Apple seems eager to defend their
| intellectual property, what will this mean to other touch developers?


Apple awarded iPhone patent

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has been granted a patent for touchscreens and related technologies,
| many of which have been combined to make up the iPhone.


What might end Appleâs open source pass

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has replaced Microsoft as the chief foe of open source. (Picture from a
| student assignment sheet at Bodine High School in Pennsylvania.)
| This was in part a matter of necessity. Apple had to put DRM on its iPod or
| it would get nothing to sell. It had to become a big advocate of the DMCA to
| keep its suppliers.


EFF Blasts Apple For Fraudulent DMCA Takedown Of Wiki Page

,----[ Quote ]
| The EFF has stepped up to walk through the many, many reasons why there's no
| DMCA violation on the site, and Apple's takedown notice appears to be
| fraudulent. Yes, the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA do say it's
| illegal to offer a technology, product, service, device or device to get
| around DRM, but an open discussion on a wiki is not any of those things.


The Electronic Frontier Foundation Doesn't Like Apple's Attitude

,----[ Quote ]
| I have to agree. Talk is talk. Encryption and other forms of code obfuscation
| are communally practiced throughout the worlds of proprietary and open source
| software. Also, encryption predates personal computers and Apple by many
| years. Where would security software end up if people were barred, directed
| by lawyers, from ever discussing methods of disguising code?


Apple Levels DMCA on IPodhash Project

,----[ Quote ]
| The worst thing about DRM? The things it makes people do. Take the iPodhash
| project, a group of coders dedicated to reverse-engineering Apple's database
| files on the iPod classic and iPod touch. Doing so allows for third-party
| utilities to access information on the iPod, which is particularly useful for
| those who want to use their iPods on Linux, since there's no version of
| iTunes available for that platform.


EFF Berates Apple Over Open-source ITunes Project

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple's attempt to quash an effort to help the latest iPods and iPhones work
| with non-Apple software such as the Linux operating system is out of line,
| the Electronic Frontier Foundation said Tuesday.
| [...]
| Because iTunes does not run on Linux, the iPodhash project is important to
| the Linux community, Odio said.
| Founded in 2004, Bluwiki is a side project for Odio, an Internet entrepreneur
| who said he supports the iPodhash project even though he's not involved with
| it.


Anti-DRM campaign calls for MacBook boycott

,----[ Quote ]
| Each day for the next 35 days, the "Defective by Design" campaign by the Free
| Software Foundation (FSF) will name and shame a different product it says
| consumers should boycott because of the use of Digital Rights Management
| (DRM). The FSF has launched its campaign with an attack on Apple. Although
| Apple boss Steve Jobs spoke out against the use of DRM in iTunes Store in
| early 2007, most of the music sold through Apple's online shop still comes
| with Apple's FairPlay DRM. The iPhone and iPod Touch have been criticised by
| the FSF on a number of occasions for adding "even more layers of DRM". With
| its new MacBooks, Apple takes protection even further.


The iPhone Is Now Doomed

,----[ Quote ]
| I cannot claim to be a developer, but I have been watching the whole iPhone
| application development issues with interest. As of todayâs news, it appears
| that the iPhone development process is like this:
|    1. Ask Apple for permission to make an application.
|    2. Sign a non-disclosure agreement.
|    3. Invest time and money into an iPhone application.
|    4. Ask Apple for permission to sell or give away your application.
|    5. If Apple says YES: start making money and hope Apple does not change
|       their minds.
|       If Apple says NO: shut up and deal with it. If you say anything, Apple
|       can sue you, further raising the wasted investment money.


Podcaster rejeceted because it duplicates iTunes functionality

,----[ Quote ]
| Today I finally got a reply from Apple about the status of Podcaster.
| Apple Rep says: Since Podcaster assists in the distribution of podcasts, it
| duplicates the functionality of the Podcast section of iTunes.
| That's right folks, it duplicates the functionality of the desktop version of
| iTunes.


As App Store banning continues, iPhone developers protest

,----[ Quote ]
| Developers have already voiced their concern over Appleâs unwritten rules of
| what can and cannot be sold through the App Store, but the situation has
| become even more dire with this most recent round of rejections. It's
| prompted some, such as Fraser Speirs, developer of iPhone Flickr browser
| Exposure, to say that theyâll cease developing for the platform until Apple
| clarifies the rules.


Apple Takes the "Tris" Out of iPhone Tetris

,----[ Quote ]
| Now a student named Noah Witherspoon that created an iPhone Tetris knock-off
| called simply "Tris," has been threatened with legal action by The Tetris
| Company. In what he refers to as "petty bullying," the company had Apple
| contact Witherspoon and had him pull the game from the iTunes App Store.
| Apple even told him that they'd take action themselves if he didn't comply.


OpenClip, she is dead

,----[ Quote ]
| For those of you who do not remember - or do not care to remember - OpenClip
| was supposed to be an open framework for implementing the Cocoa NSPasteboard
| functionality to the iPhone. While Iâm thinking that if Apple wanted to
| implement copy/paste into the iPhone they would have done it already or will
| do it soon, OpenClip was a noble effort to work around the limitations of OS
| X on the iPhone.


Why does Apple Always Seem to Get a Break???

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux. This is the only platform that is not a prison. You are really free
| with Linux. People are congregating at will, building creative new
| structures. Yeah â maybe it isnât as pretty as the luxury hotel prison that
| is Apple, but at least we are free. In the end it isnât prison walls that win
| in technology. CompuServe and AOL were beaten by the internet. Centrally
| controlled mainframes were killed by the PC. Over time the best technology
| comes from innovation in unexpected places and while we are occasionally
| wooed by the pretty sounds of âYouâve Got Mailâ or the stunning design of a
| new iPhone; we have all seen this movie before and know how it ends.


Apple goes auntie over slasher comic

,----[ Quote ]
| the application because it breaches their SDK license, serving up content
| that "...in Apple's reasonable judgment may be found objectionable". The
| problem is that this restriction only applies to applications. Dodgy movies,
| episodes of South Park or even The Breakfast Club are perfectly acceptable
| iTunes content.



Apple failing to understand open source

,----[ Quote ]
| There is a cost for not being a good Open Source citizen and that
| cost is loss of goodwill in the community. That loss is more
| expensive in the long run than Apple realizes.


Apple legal silences Hymn

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has fired a cease and desist order against the developers behind the
| open-source Hymn Project.
| Hymn develops software that strips Apple's FairPlay digital rights management
| (DRM) technology from user's iTunes purchases, allowing music fans to play
| their music on devices other than those from Apple.


Mozilla exec calls Apple's Safari plan 'duopolistic'

,----[ Quote ]
| In the speech predicting how Apple would expand its market share, Jobs showed
| a slide with Safari dominating almost a quarter of the market--a market
| shared only with a single other browser, Internet Explorer.
| Lilly says he doesn't believe that this was an omission or simplification,
| but instead an indication that Jobs is hoping to steal people who use Firefox
| and other smaller browsers in order to run a "duopoly" with Redmond.


Wozniak hates Open Sauce

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview with eWeek, Woz said that there are always people who want
| things to be free and the open-source movement starts with those sort of
| people.

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