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[News] [Rival] Many Flaws in Microsoft Software, Including Vista 7

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Many Flaws in Microsoft Software, Including Vista 7
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:19:31 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft Targets Media Flaws In April Patches


Another big Microsoft Patch Tuesday coming


Big Patch Tuesday On Way


Microsoft Schedules Major Patch Tuesday

,----[ Quote ]
| It's likely that at least a few Microsoft 
| employees had to work overtime in preparation 
| for tomorrow's Patch Tuesday activities. The 
| company's supposed to release 11 security 
| bulletins in order to address 25 
| vulnerabilities, which may send signals about 
| both its dedication to fixing stuff and the 
| state of some popular software. 


Microsoft to fix F1 bug

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft plans to fix the 'F1' security bug 
| that has been plaguing Internet Explorer users 
| for six weeks in its monthly set of security 
| patches tomorrow.



Microsoft to Patch Unhackable Windows 7 Bug

,----[ Quote ]
| Later today, Microsoft will play it safe by
| patching a Windows 7 bug that it says can't
| be exploited.
| Of the 11 security bulletins that will be
| released in a few hours, "Bulletin 7" will
| address one or more vulnerabilities in
| Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server
| 2003.


Microsoft slams coffin lid on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has killed support for its unloved
| Windows Vista operating system today.
| The company announced in February that the
| service pack-free version of its post-XP,
| pre-Windows 7 OS would hit end of life
| support in April.
| This means that from today, the OS which hit
| manufacturers in late 2006 is left entirely
| at the mercy of hackers who might wish to
| exploit the now unsupported code.


China Reports Millions of Conficker Worm Infections

,----[ Quote ]
| China had about 7 million Internet Protocol
| (IP) addresses infected with Conficker B at
| the end of last year, according to a recent
| annual security report posted on the Web site
| of China's National Computer Network
| Emergency Response Technical Team (CNCERT).
| The number of infections varied during the
| second half of the year, which the report
| covered, but was higher than 5 million during
| all but one week.


Intel hits migration delays with Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel faces challenges in migrating from
| Windows XP to Windows 7, including
| application incompatibility and system
| readiness, the company said.
| Intel worked with Microsoft to develop
| Windows 7 into a stable operating system, but
| there is still a lot of heavy lifting
| involved before migrating PCs to the new OS
| inside Intel's environment, wrote Intel staff
| engineer Roy Ubry in a blog entry. Challenges
| include issues related to backward
| application compatibility, web browser
| support, 64-bit computing and privacy
| controls.


Intel: Just 3,000 employees run Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite the firm's rapid turnaround of PCs and its very public
| partnership with Microsoft, Bryant said that so far it had
| shifted just 3,000 of its 80,000 plus employees onto Windows 7.

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