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[News] Nokia's Linux Efforts in the News, and Top Maemo Applications

  • Subject: [News] Nokia's Linux Efforts in the News, and Top Maemo Applications
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 20:55:14 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

MeeGo: open development and upstream involvement

,----[ Quote ]
| Ari Jaaksi, Nokia's VP for Maemo devices 
| and MeeGo operations, spoke first, which he 
| saw as an advantage because Intel's Imad 
| Sousou would be sure to correct anything he 
| said "wrong". The goal of the MeeGo project 
| is to "provide industry with an open 
| platform" for various kinds of devices. 
| Both companies have been working on mobile 
| distributions, which means that they 
| "integrate the same components multiple 
| times", and that is "stupid", Jaaksi said. 
| That is one of the main ideas behind the 
| merger. 


My Top 5 N900 Applications

,----[ Quote ]
| #1 Firefox - Easily my favorite way to surf 
| the web, on the N900 or otherwise. If you 
| want more of my thoughts on this one check 
| out my Firefox Mobile Review.
| #2 fMMS - This application steps up to fill 
| one of the biggest mess-ups Nokia made when 
| they released the N900: lack of MMS 
| support. fMMS currently supports sending 
| pictures and receiving all types of media 
| messages. Since I discovered this wonderful 
| application I no longer have to hear my 
| friends say "your phone does all that, but 
| can't get a picture message?"



Intel demos MeeGo platform to developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel said that the Linux-based operating
| system will be linked to its AppUp software
| store and demonstrated the unique media
| syncing capabilities between devices
| running on MeeGo: video playing on one
| device will not only sync over to another
| but also carry certain data, including
| picking up where the user left off while
| watching video on the first device.


Intel's Meego OS to Reach Mainstream Laptops

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel is developing an edition of the
| Linux-based Meego OS that will work on
| mainstream laptops and desktops, a company
| executive said this week.

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