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[News] New GNU/Linux and FOSS Events All Around the World

  • Subject: [News] New GNU/Linux and FOSS Events All Around the World
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:04:38 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Counting down to Pengicon

,----[ Quote ]
| It's only a few more days until Penguicon, 
| North America's finest science fiction and 
| open source software convention. I'm not 
| only psyched to be attending, but I'm 
| flattered beyond words to be one of this 
| year's Guests of Honor. Penguicon runs from 
| April 30 to May 2 at the Marriott in Troy, 
| MI.


On bootstrapping a community-run FOSS event

,----[ Quote ]
| On Saturday, April 10th, I was in Austin 
| Texas for the inaugural Texas Linux Fest 
| (TXLF), a community-run FLOSS conference. 
| The idea to stage the show arose last 
| August during OSCON, picked up steam in the 
| fall, and in the end a little under 400 
| people turned out â including speakers and 
| volunteers â which most considered a 
| successful number for a first year event.


Open Source Search Developers and Industry Experts to gather in Prague for Inaugural Apache Lucene EMEA Conference

,----[ Quote ]
| Lucid Imagination, the commercial company 
| for Apache Lucene and Solr open source 
| search technologies, today announced 
| details of the first conference in Europe 
| dedicated to Lucene and Solr. The event 
| will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, May 
| 18th-21st.


LinuxFest 2010 Wrap Up From The Fedora Project Booth 

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the two day event we handed out a 
| little over 360 pieces of media, there was 
| 700+ people on Saturday and 350+ on Sunday. 


Bogota to host festival on open souce software 

,----[ Quote ]
| Colombian capital Bogota on Saturday is 
| hosting Latin America's largest festival on 
| freeware and open source software.


Cuba Will Host Latin American Free Software Installation Festival

,----[ Quote ]
| The national coordinator of the festival, 
| Eduardo Estevez, told Prensa Latina news 
| agency that all national communities of 
| users of open source platforms will 
| participate in the event.
| FLISOL is the largest advocacy event of 
| free software in Latin America. Itâs held 
| since 2005 and since 2008 it adopted the 
| fourth Saturday of April each year. Its 
| main objective is to promote the use of 
| free software, showing to the general 
| public its philosophy, scope, progress and 
| development.


Freedom movement

,----[ Quote ]
| With over 1,200 students participating, the
| conference exhibited the language of free
| software while not losing sight of the purely
| technical aspects of GNU/Linux. Coding
| sessions, handled by experts in GNU/Linux-
| based programming, exposed students to the
| free software culture that thrives in the
| Linux User Groups â popularly called Lugs,
| these form the basic units of the free
| software movement â in academic institutions
| and among software professionals across the
| country.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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