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[News] Many Free Software Events Are Coming, Calling for Participation

  • Subject: [News] Many Free Software Events Are Coming, Calling for Participation
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 14:24:54 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Italian Free Software Conference

,----[ Quote ]
| The fourth Italian Free Software Conference 
| will take place in Cagliari (Sardinia, 
| Italy) on June 11-12th. The main language of 
| the conference is Italian.


UMass/Amherst - The Politics of Open Source - May 6 - 7, 2010

,----[ Quote ]
| The Politics of Open Source is the Journal 
| of Information Technology and Politics' 2nd 
| annual thematic conference. The conference 
| examines Free/Libre and Open Source 
| Software, the movement surrounding it, and 
| the political issues associated with it. 
| Information about previous JITP conferences 
| is available at www.umass.edu/jitp.


Penguicon, Here I Come!

,----[ Quote ]
| Tomorrow (Friday) starts my annual trek down 
| state to the Detroit area for Penguicon! 
| It's possible the combination of Linux and 
| Science Fiction wouldn't appeal to most 
| people, but it absolutely appeals to me. I 
| think perhaps adding a vintage video game 
| track and calling it "Super Penguicon" would 
| make it the trifecta of awesome. The 
| conference chairs probably realize that 
| would be too awesome, however, and the 
| participants would be blinded by sheer 
| awesomeness.


Last Day For LinuxCon Early Birds

,----[ Quote ]
| Getting in early on conference registrations 
| has a number of benefits, not the least of 
| which is knowing from the start that your 
| spot is secure. Many offer an additional 
| perk â and an attractive one at that â in 
| the form of an "Early Bird" discount that 
| can often save you quite a bit of cash.


Upcoming Open Source Conferences (April-July 2010)


Open Source Webinars: Nuxeo, OpenLogic, System76


eth0 in 2010

,----[ Quote ]
| The summer event, 10-13Aug 2010


Fourth International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification, Pisa, Italy


The Guardian at Apache Lucene EuroCon 2010


Open Source Developers Go 2 Prague

,----[ Quote ]
| The First Apache Open Source search 
| technologies conference for European 
| developers  takes place in Prague this 
| month, presented by Lucid Imagination.
| The Conference will showcase achievements by 
| customers, developers, technologists and 
| search innovators and is running as a not-
| for-profit venture, with net proceeds going 
| to The Apache Software Foundation.


Frequently asked questions about WWW2010 conference

,----[ Quote ]
| What is Open Source?
| Open source is the free sharing of 
| technological information, according to 
| Wikipedia. Starting in the early 2000s, a 
| number of companies began to publish a 
| portion of their source code to claim they 
| were open source, while keeping key parts 
| closed. This led to the development of the 
| now widely used terms âfree open source 
| softwareâ and âcommercial open source 
| softwareâ to distinguish between truly open 
| and hybrid forms of open source.


New Liverpool âunconferenceâ Oggcamp to showcase technology

,----[ Quote ]
| A HI-TECH âunconferenceâ this weekend will 
| include a debate on whether politicians 
| understand the impact of social media and 
| new technology.
| Tomorrow and Sunday, Liverpool will play 
| host to its first Oggcamp, an âunconferenceâ 
| without a formal agenda that will include 
| discussions on technology, politics and 
| culture.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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