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Re: Miguel wants to embed more Microsoft languages in your browser

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____/ Bob Hauck on Thursday 06 May 2010 23:57 : \____

> On Thu, 06 May 2010 10:09:08 -0700, Tim Smith
> <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In article <slrnhu59q7.75v.postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 5 May 2010 10:27:37 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom
>>> <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> >    http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2010/May-03.html
>>> >
>>> >    Today Joe followed up with a brilliant point:
>>> >
>>> >        joehewitt: If CLI was the ECMA standard baked into browsers instead
>>> >        of ECMAScript we'd have a much more flexible web:
>>> >        http://bit.ly/sLILI
>>> Isn't pretty much the same as what Sun was pushing back in the day with
>>> the JVM?  Everything old is new again.
>> I hadn't heard of that. All I recall is Sun pushing Java applets, which
>> were confined to their own rectangle on the screen and didn't have any
>> direct access to the rest of the page (they had, I think, indirect
>> access through a way to interface with Javascript running on the page).
>> Hewitt's idea is quite a bit different--integrate CLI the way Javascript
>> is integrated now.
> So the kiddies could do cross-site scripting attacks in CLI too?  Cool!
> Another way to get owned!  Just what the world is waiting for.
> You're right.  Now that I think about it Sun's idea was way better.
> I guess the NoScript guys would always come up with NoMono and then we
> could go around the cycle of stupidty again.

Don't forget Flash wormholes. :-) Like ActiveX-type menace for /all/ platforms.

- -- 
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