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[News] The Glass Half Full at Oracle: ZFS, VirtualBox, OpenOffice.org

  • Subject: [News] The Glass Half Full at Oracle: ZFS, VirtualBox, OpenOffice.org
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 18:18:52 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Nexenta Leverages OpenSolaris and ZFS for Enterprise Storage


VirtualBox Continues To Gain Under Oracle

,----[ Quote ]
| VirtualBox 3.2 Beta 1 brought experimental 
| support for Mac OS X guests, memory 
| ballooning, CPU hot-plugging, new 
| hypervisor features, RDP video 
| acceleration, and much more. With 
| VirtualBox 3.2 Beta 2, Oracle has 
| introduced Java bindings for VirtualBox, 
| numerous GUI enhancements, fixes for Ubuntu 
| 10.04 LTS guests, new icons, performance 
| optimizations, and various other fixes. 


FSF launches free software extension listing for OpenOffice.org 

,----[ Quote ]
| The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today 
| announced a project to assemble a 
| replacement extension library for 
| OpenOffice.org, which will list only those 
| extensions which are free software, at 
| http://www.fsf.org/openoffice.
| "OpenOffice.org is free software, and an 
| important contribution to the free software 
| community. However, the program offers the 
| user a library of extensions, and some of 
| them are proprietary. Distributing 
| OpenOffice.org in the usual way has the 
| effect of offering users the nonfree 
| extensions too," said FSF executive 
| director Peter Brown.



James Gosling praises Oracle's Java technology updates

,----[ Quote ]
| Although Java founder James Gosling has left
| Oracle apparently under less-than-cordial
| circumstances, he still can be found
| championing Java technologies now sponsored
| by Oracle.


Why Java could thrive at Oracle

,----[ Quote ]
| While there is no reason for Oracle to upset
| the Java community at this point, I highly
| doubt the company will continue with certain
| projects that are either direct open-source
| competition, or that require too much
| additional effort to be worth it for Oracle to
| continue.

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