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[News] A Look at Applications for GNU/Linux: Ailurus, Indicator Applet, anyPaper...

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Applications for GNU/Linux: Ailurus, Indicator Applet, anyPaper...
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 00:24:32 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Manage Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) and Study Linux with Ailurus

,----[ Quote ]
| Ailurus is an open-source software that 
| makes Ubuntu easier to use.
| With ailurus,you can manage system settings 
| include nautilus,desktop,windows 
| effect,network,sound,etc;you can 
| install/remove applications which do not 
| provide Debian packages at all;you can 
| check you hardware information include 
| motherboard,CPU,BIOS,Total memory;you can 
| check the system version,desktop 
| environment,host name,kernel version and so 
| on;you can select the fastest 
| repository,clean up system cache,study 
| Linux skills â


Indicator Applet: Why I like it

,----[ Quote ]
| I know I tend to moan about a lot of things 
| in my blog, sometimes I celebrate good 
| work, well executed. Rarely do I get the 
| opportunity to agree with the Ayatana/DX 
| Ubuntu design direction. I may not agree 
| with the groupâs past choice of language 
| communicating things to the community, but 
| this is something I think itâs got mostly 
| right.
| OK so what donât I like about the old 
| notification area? Well itâs an arbitrary 
| parent-widget, this means that itâs a 
| container for other widgets which are not 
| internally defined but are defined outside. 
| This results is very inconsistent behaviour 
| and a real problem when your trying to keep 
| tabs on design as a distro.


Custom wallpaper placement with anyPaper

,----[ Quote ]
| Today we continue on with our Wallpaper 
| theme! Youâve already seen how to Manage 
| your wallpaper in GNOME as well as how to 
| set up a changing rotation of wallpapers 
| with Wallpaper Drapes (see âDesktop Drapes 
| for GNOMEâ). Now itâs time for something a 
| bit different. Most wallpaper applets 
| pretty much do the same thing: They will 
| either place a picture on your desktop or 
| manage multiple pictures that will change 
| at a set interval. For the most part there 
| is little variation in these tools. But one 
| such tool offers a single addition to the 
| standard wallpaper manager that sets it 
| apart. That tool is anyPaper. And that 
| feature allows you to place your image 
| anywhere on your desktop you like. For 
| those that use icons on their desktop, this 
| is actually a most welcome feature (youâll 
| understand in a bit). And, unlike most 
| tools, AnyPaper actually offers you a 
| preview of what your desktop will look 
| like.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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