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[News] EULAs May be Declared Invalid in the UK

  • Subject: [News] EULAs May be Declared Invalid in the UK
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 07:41:54 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

High Court rules software liability clause not 'reasonable'

,----[ Quote ]
| The IT industry feared that the result would 
| make it harder to make claims for software, 
| but the Court said that EDS's fraudulent 
| misrepresentation was down to the conduct of 
| one employee, not the whole firm. Experts said 
| that this made it less likely that IT 
| suppliers would overhaul the way they sold 
| their systems.



Anarchy in the EULA

,----[ Quote ]
| If we contrast this depravity with the GPL
| and OpenSource definition, we see some
| glaring issues. Much of the code in a
| Linux system is OpenSource code. This
| includes the Linux kernel, the GNU
| Compiler Collection (GCC), the X Window
| System, and many other critical
| components. So, this EULA is BREAKING the
| GPL. The GPL allows you to use software
| released under the GPL for any reason,
| view the source code, redistribute the
| source code, and adopt the source code.
| The Igelle EULA forbids this, because you
| are only allowed to "use the Software."


The Windows 7 License can make you love free software

,----[ Quote ]
| Personally, my reaction was revulsion. I
| never have thought much of a EULA that you
| cannot agree to until you open the
| software, but this EULA sinks to depths I
| never anticipated -- and, in doing so,
| suggests a desperate attempt to stay in
| control in the face of overwhelming odds.
| If these are the measures that Microsoft
| has to take to protect its business model,
| then the triumph of free software can't be
| far away.
| Meanwhile, when I finished my
| investigations, I deleted Windows 7 and
| returned to the sanity of free software
| with a profound sigh of relief.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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