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[News] Glimpse at the Future of GNOME Desktop

  • Subject: [News] Glimpse at the Future of GNOME Desktop
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 17:02:32 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Gnome Shell Might Add Real Multiple Desktops

,----[ Quote ]
| The idea is to have custom folders for 
| each desktop. Right now, the desktop is 
| located at /home/your_username/Desktop and 
| this would provide a new folder for each 
| virtual desktop so that you can fully work 
| on a project on a given Desktop - 
| including all the files related to your 
| project / task.


Future GNOME: What to Expect in GNOME 3.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The release of GNOME 3.0, the popular 
| desktop's first major release in eight 
| years, promises to be the major free 
| software event in autumn 2010. Where is 
| GNOME now? What can we expect of GNOME 
| 3.0? Of GNOME 3 as a series of releases?
| When I asked Stormy Peters, the executive 
| director of the GNOME Foundation, where to 
| go for answers, she directed me to Vincent 
| Untz. A director of the GNOME Foundation 
| and one of the senior members of the GNOME 
| Release Team, Untz is better positioned 
| than almost anyone to offer an overview of 
| the project from both a general and a 
| technical perspective. 


GNOME Amazon Referral Fees April 2010



Welcome Gnome 2.30

,----[ Quote ]
| When I was updating my system I realized
| there were a lot of gnome packages to be
| upgraded, my enthusiasm immediately rises,
| gnome 2.30 was out.


A sneak peak at GNOME 3

,----[ Quote ]
| Now I will warn you that I am a fan of
| GNOME. I understand that KDE did the same
| thing when they re-invented their take on
| the desktop. The difference is â the
| innovation from KDE seemed more like a
| âretooling with added featuresâ. GNOME 3
| will be a milestone for the desktop. I have
| head some people say it is too much like
| the âiPhone interfaceâ. To those I have to
| say âuse it firstâ. But no matter where you
| stand, GNOME 3 is going to be different,
| and this article will show you how to
| install it and give you a first glance.


GNOME 2.30: Waiting for the Big Release

,----[ Quote ]
| GNOME 2.30 was originally intended to
| coincide with GNOME 3.0 -- a massive
| cleanup and rethinking of the popular
| desktop. However, GNOME 3.0 is delayed for
| at least another release, which leaves
| GNOME 2.30 as most likely the last version
| in a series stretching back almost a
| decade.
| [...]
| On the other hand, 2.30 will probably be
| the final version of the 2.0 series. For
| those who were around for GNOME 2.0 back in
| 2000, the 2.30 release stands as evidence
| of how far GNOME in general and the free
| desktop in particular have come in the last
| decade in usability and design. If you do a
| search for images of early GNOME releases
| and compare the results with 2.30, you can
| have no doubt that, although GNOME
| sometimes tends to over-simplify, its
| improvements over the last decade remain
| unmistakable.


First Look: GNOME 2.30

,----[ Quote ]
| April Fools turned out to be a great day for
| Linux enthusiasts, as GNOME developers
| decided to offer them something to look
| forward to except getting punked and do a
| proper launch, and a pretty big one at that.
| GNOME 2.30 is now available for everyone and
| the final release of the 2.xx series is
| packing some serious punch and plenty of
| goodies for even the most demanding user.


GNOME Project Updates Free Desktop with 2.30 Release

,----[ Quote ]
| The GNOME Project is proud to announce
| GNOME 2.30, the latest stable release of
| the popular Free Software desktop
| environment and applications suite. GNOME
| 2.30 builds on previous GNOME releases and
| brings hundreds of improvements for users
| and developers, including enhancements for
| user management, Web browsing, support for
| Facebook chat, and new productivity
| features.
| GNOME contributors have added improvements
| across the board for GNOME 2.30 in
| accessibility, productivity applications,
| Web browsing, instant messaging, and games.
| This release includes hundreds of new
| features, enhancements, and improvements
| over the GNOME 2.28 release from September
| 2009.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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