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[News] Linux-based Android 2.2 Adds WiFi Hotspot Creation, Tethering

  • Subject: [News] Linux-based Android 2.2 Adds WiFi Hotspot Creation, Tethering
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 17:50:06 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Android 2.2 to include WiFi hotspot creation and tethering

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has been working diligently on its 
| Android phone OS, and update 2.2 is coming 
| up quite soon. So far, the Linux-derived 
| phone OS is selling well, recently thought 
| to have overtaken the iPhone in monthly 
| sales. 


Motorolaâs Droid 2 gets WiFi Certificate?


Linux ahead of the pack.


Enhanced WeFi Launches on Android

,----[ Quote ]
| WeFi Inc. (www.wefi.com), creator of the
| worldâs largest community-based global Wi-Fi
| network, launched today an enhanced version
| of its free software for PC and Android
| mobile devices.


Apple iPhone vs. Android Multitasking: A Comparison

,----[ Quote ]
| So, you can read the whole thing but he
| starts with Android: applications that are no
| longer visible to the user are suspended --
| remaining in memory but without event
| handling or processing.
| [...]
| Quintana concludes by noting that if Apple
| introduced Android-like unrestricted
| multitasking, "all current [iPhone]
| applications that might take advantage of
| background processing would require a
| redesign to use a client/service
| architecture. Developers would have to
| maintain a completely different app for pre-
| iPhone OS 4 devices or iPhone OS 4 devices
| with no multitasking. In addition, the
| backend server infrastructure required for
| PNS would only be used for pre-iPhone OS 4
| devices and non-multitasking iPhone OS 4.
| This would fragment development severely."


How Could Android Ever Be Considered âThe Evil OSâ?

,----[ Quote ]
| Taking a quick look at the definition of
| âopen sourceâ provided to us by the Open
| Source Initiative â who is highly regarded as
| the authority in what âopen sourceâ is â I
| have to present the question: where is Google
| stepping outside of any lines to call Android
| so? Source code is readily available,
| compilable, downloadable, freely distributed,
| properly licensed, free to be modified (for
| use with any field without discrimination),
| and it definitely isnât an OS that is
| restricted to be used on anything other than
| phones.


So, What's a Little Android?

,----[ Quote ]
| Lately, it seems as if quite a few people are
| concerned about the status of Android as a
| Linux fork. There is quite a bit of talk
| about re-admitting the Android Linux kernel
| into the vanilla Linux kernel source.
| Chris DiBona commented on many things in
| Android being irrelevant to the majority of
| Linux users, such as mobile phone chipsets.
| Is most of the kernel relevant to most
| people, or is it that we de-select the
| majority of device drivers when we do our
| kernel configs? I think that the latter is
| more the case, and quite often we de-select
| the vast majority of filesystems. For most
| people, NTFS, FAT, Ext2/3/4, swap, proc, and
| sysfs are really all that is required. A few
| may get into Reiser (what a killer
| filesystem), JFS, Squashfs, and UnionFS for
| particular machines. So, why is there a fuss
| over certain things making little difference
| to main stream Linux users, when most things
| in the Linux kernel are irrelevant to start
| with?


Report: Google TV Is Coming to Your Living Room

,----[ Quote ]
| The TV technology will run on Intel's Atom
| chips, the report says, and Google will
| develop a new version of its Chrome browser
| for the TV project.


Sprint Hero Getting 2.1 âFirst Week of Mayâ


Dell Aero Due in June, Larger Streak Tablets Coming

,----[ Quote ]
| Engadget scored a couple bits of Dell-related
| Android news today and was only happy to
| share with the world.  First up, the Dell
| Aero handset is due out in early June.  You
| know the Aero, right?  It's that other locked
| down AT&T handset besides the Backflip.


Orange Copies AT&T, Stifles Openness On Android Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| This is asinine. Orange couldnât find a
| better company to imitate than AT&T,
| seriously? As we know, AT&T has decided to
| lock down Android devices and limit app
| installation from the Android Market. Not
| that we support this notion, but fine. Orange
| is taking it one step further in stifling
| Android and its open nature, according to
| Android Community.


Android and Linux Foundation to Reunite?

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux Kernel Archive hasnât been too
| pleased with the direction Android has taken.
| Claiming Androidâs developers offer little
| cooperation and are slow to patch and update
| their code, they parted ways last year.
| But all of that may change soon, as Google has
| extended the old proverbial olive branch at
| the Linux Collaboration Summit taking place
| today and tomorrow in San Francisco. Executive
| Director of the Linux Foundation Jim Zemlin
| and open source and public engineering manager
| for Google Chris DiBona both see hope for
| Android to rejoin the good graces of Linux.


Android and Linux Discuss Code Reunion

,----[ Quote ]
| The guardians of the Linux Kernel Archive,
| repository for the source code for the Linux
| open source operating system, turned the code
| for Google's Android phone out the door last
| year. The guardians felt they were getting too
| little cooperation from Google and too few
| patches from its engineers.


Fragmentation good for the user, says Nokia

,----[ Quote ]
| Fragmentation within mobile platforms helps handset manufacturers
| and software developers to properly address customers' needs, a
| senior Nokia executive has said.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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