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[News] Apple's "Cult Madness" Leads Journalist to GNU/Linux Freedom

  • Subject: [News] Apple's "Cult Madness" Leads Journalist to GNU/Linux Freedom
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 21:44:54 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
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Why cult madness is driving me off Apple

,----[ Quote ]
| Do I go with a commodity notebook platform 
| based on Ubuntu? Do I trash years of experience 
| with Apple's Mac as a platform? Steve Jobs has 
| angered me in a personal way by behaving like 
| the other boorish executives in the industry. I 
| get FUD fed to me on a daily basis, and my FUD 
| detector is strong. Like other consumers, I can 
| be a strong ally. But I'm not a fanboi, not a 
| lapdog sycophant, and am pro IT industry and 
| not a stockholder.
| There's an HP Pavillion with my name on it out 
| there for $300. It's a nice used machine. I'm 
| wondering now what it will look like with Lucid 
| Lynx on it. Maybe a VM with Windows 7.



The Appalling Reaction to the Apple iPhone Leak

,----[ Quote ]
| Instead, fearful of being blackballed and
| missing the big story, and afraid of being
| swarm attacked by the legions of Apple
| fanatics who act as unpaid flacks to anyone
| who dares to challenge the perfection of
| the company or the divinity of its founder
| -- and most of all, not having the muscle
| of the old-time media empires -- today's
| press largely has turned into the company's
| full-time lapdog and lickspittle. Some
| well-known reporters have built entire
| careers out of being Apple promoters -- and
| thus being given insider access.
| The latest word is that Chen and Gizmodo
| have lawyered up and are considering suing
| the police. Good. And they should go after
| REACT as well, to the point that it is
| disbanded and replaced by another entity
| that isn't a tool of big corporations.
| Meanwhile, those Apple fanatics out there
| (including a few big-name bloggers) that
| are defending this assault on liberty
| should be deeply ashamed of themselves for
| being willing to trade the First Amendment
| for a few cool techno-baubles.


Apple spurs an antitrust investigation

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the New York Post, The U.S.
| Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade
| Commission (FTC) are negotiating which of them
| will launch an inquiry into a clause in the
| iPhone OS 4 SDK that bans the porting of
| software originally written for Adobe's Flash,
| Sun's Java or Microsoft's Silverlight/Mono to
| the iPhone OS.


Changes to Apple's developer agreement could spur antitrust inquiry

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