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[News] Fairly New KDE Software: KMyMoney, Clementine, TouchFreeze

  • Subject: [News] Fairly New KDE Software: KMyMoney, Clementine, TouchFreeze
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 07:42:08 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

KMyMoney announces release candidate for KDE platform 4

,----[ Quote ]
| After a year of hard work on a version for 
| the KDE platform 4, the KMyMoney team is 
| happy to announce the immediate 
| availability of the first release 
| candidate. Unlike previous versions, this 
| one is recommended for general use. The 
| feedback provided by previous beta 
| releases makes us confident that it is as 
| stable and rock-solid as previous stable 
| versions.


Clementine is an attractively simple music player and organizer

,----[ Quote ]
| Clementine is actually a port of Amarok, 
| one of the better music organizers for KDE 
| and Linux. It's still early days -- they 
| just released version 0.3 -- but a core 
| set of features and no bloat is what makes 
| Clementine appealing! It plays music, it 
| organizes music and it streams radio. 
| That's it! Sure, it also lets you scrobble 
| to Last.fm and, yes, you download missing 
| album art too -- but these things happen 
| in the background. It still remains a 
| simple program with just a handful of 
| precious, useful settings that can be 
| changed.


TouchFreeze 0.2.5 for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| TouchFreeze is a special software for 
| Linux system that will disable the mouse 
| click while you are typing. This is a 
| useful utility for Linux built using QT4 
| and Xeview header.  TouchFreeze docks in 
| your system tray (KDE/Gnome) and disables 
| button click events while typing.



Touch support in Qt 4.7

,----[ Quote ]
| Almost two months after the technical
| preview was released, the development of
| version 4.7 of the cross-platform Qt C++
| framework for GUI applications is beginning
| to take shape, as Nokia has now presented a
| beta version. A beta of the Qt Creator 2.0
| development environment, which is part of
| the framework, has also been released. The
| developers highlight the integration of Qt
| Quick (Qt UI Creation Kit) as the prominent
| feature of the next version of Qt. Qt Quick
| is a tool collection for creating animated,
| touch-enabled Qt interfaces and
| applications for mobile and embedded
| devices.


6 Useful Widgets For Amarok Music Player

,----[ Quote ]
| Like KDEâs Plasma desktop, Amarok has the
| ability to display widgets. It is divided
| into the three columns. The left column is
| the music browser, which displays the
| userâs local collection or the Internet
| music library of his or her choice. The
| right column shows the current playlist,
| and the center column can hold a number of
| widgets. Users must click the wrench icon
| at the bottom to add, remove, or reorder
| widgets.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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