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[News] Inherent Role of GNU/Linux in SaaS Stacks

  • Subject: [News] Inherent Role of GNU/Linux in SaaS Stacks
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 12:37:19 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.4.2
Hash: SHA1

Does cloud computing need LAMP?

,----[ Quote ]
| The LAMP stack is a collection of open-source 
| technologies commonly integrated to create a 
| platform capable of supporting a wide variety 
| of Web applications. LAMP typically consists 
| of Linux, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, and either 
| the PHP, Python or Perl scripting languages. 
| Famously used at some of the best known Web 
| businesses (such as Wikipedia), LAMP has seen 
| widespread adopting in corporate and 
| government settings in the last several 
| years.


Thoughts about Cloud Computing and the LAMP stack

,----[ Quote ]
| LAMP is an acronym for a collection of open 
| source software tools that is often seen as a 
| platform for Web-based workloads. Typically 
| this acronym is explained as meaning the 
| combination of Linux, the Apache Web server, 
| the MySQL database engine and PHP, an 
| application development tool.



There is no L in Sunâs LAMP

,----[ Quote ]
| I believe Sun has an absolute right to compete with Linux, but its misuse of
| LAMP does it a disservice and can only serve to antagonize would-be customers
| who do very much care that their middleware stack runs on Linux. If Sun wants
| to market Glassfish Portfolio as an integrated LAMP stack it needs to come
| with Linux services (even if it is just for paying customers, as is the case
| with MySQL support).
| Without Linux, itâs not LAMP.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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